Chapter 2 | When they finally met

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Merhawi POV:

It was finally weekend I had just moved schools.
I wasn't really accepted at my old school,
I'm hoping it'll be better at the new school.

It's finally Wednesday and I'm in the car with my dad on my way to the new school.
I hope I'll get new friends there, since I got bullied at my last I didn't have any there.
"Are you excited, son?" My dad asked me, I nervously nodded my head and responded with a low voice "yes, I hope I'll get some friend here"
He kept driving till we finally arrived there.
"Good Bye dad! See you after school!"
"Bye Merhawi! Love you!:)"
He drove off as I walked into the new school.
I was really nervous to be honest with you, but it looked great.
The school is in different buildings but it's one big orange house called "A-house"since it's the main building then we have "B-house" second house, then the cafeteria and gym class and a blue house called Modulerna. It looks great there's also an big football plan.
I went into the classroom, got greeted by the teachers and then I had to talk infornt do the class,
" eh uhm Hello! I'm Merhawi and I like football..." I said with a shaking voice.
When I was standing there I saw this guy in the front, he didn't seem to like me already, I was ready to get bullied. Hopefully someone else likes me here.

Suber POV:

"God, he looks annoying" I thought for myself at my table. I looked out the window and whispered "no choice I guess" no one had Heard me. I was fine.

Merhawi POV:

I sat down at my chair and the teacher started rambling about the lesson, hm? They had a test yesterday? Good thing I wasn't there.
The day ended hours later, I went to the buss station and got on the buss to get home.
When I got home my mum asked me how my first day at my new school was, I had told her " yeah it went on well I guess, nothing special really" she gave me and smile and I walked off to my room and flew on the bed, I got my phone out of my backpack and texted my friend, childhood friend.
He told me he had a nice day, not really like me since I was REALLY lonely at break, loner.
Everyone had seemed to have fun while I was sitting at a damn bench for 40 minutes.
I ate dinners and hours after that I went to sleep, I was texting my friend for so many hours I forgot what time it was and I had fallen asleep on my phone that night.
I hope my parents won't catch me tomorrow morning and that I'll have a better day tomorrow at school.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2022 ⏰

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