Chapter 5~ Detention

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word count: 1.2k
Mattheos POV:
Mattheo and Bailey leave the Slytherin common room to head to Umbridge's office at 6:40pm

"i wonder what she'll make us do." Mattheo asks.

"probably something boring to be honest." Bailey adds. Mattheo nods. he knows that its going to be a bad detention though, he doesnt know why, its just a gut feeling.

they get to Professor Umbridge's office at 6:44pm. Bailey knocks on the door. from within, they hear a high pitch voice call: "come in."

Mattheo opens the door, and holds it open for Bailey. she smiles gratefully at him, and he walks in after her, closing the door behind himself.

"ah, Mr Riddle and Ms Black, right on time. you will be writing lines with a special quill." Umbridge announces, pointing at a desk with two chairs, parchment paper and two vibrant red quills. "please, take a seat." she adds, smiling.

'whys she smiling so much?' Mattheo thinks, but he brushes it off.

"Mr Riddle, you may write 'i must not be late for class.'and as for you, Ms Black, 'i must not encourage other students bad behaviour.' will suffice." Umbridge says. "you may begin."

Mattheo and Bailey look at each other in confusion.

"im sorry Professor, but you havent given us any ink." Bailey speaks up.

"oh dear, this is a special quill because it doesnt require ink." Umbridge replies, brightly.
"just write your separate lines until it really sinks in."

Mattheo begins writing, still confused about why it doesnt need ink. next to him, Bailey grunts in pain. worried, he looks over and sees her looking at the back of her hand. he leans over and sees "i must not encourage other students bad behaviour." engraved on her hand.

the two make eye contact, and Mattheo can see the pain in Baileys eyes.

he begins to write his, and soon enough, he feels a scratching on the back of his hand. Mattheo looks at his hand, and sees his line written on his hand.

'what kind of detention is this? making us use quills that writes in our own blood? thats on a whole other level of fucked up.' Mattheo thinks.

"ok, i believe the message has... sunk in enough." says Umbridge after an hour of lines. "you may return to your dormitories." she allows, still smiling. the pair couldnt have gotten out of that office faster.

when they were close to the common room, Bailey turns to Mattheo and starts crying.

"it hurts so bad, what kind of sick human being makes kids write with a quill that uses their own blood?" Bailey asks, muffled by sobs.

"apparently Professor 'I like to see kids in Pain' over there." Mattheo says. he hugs Bailey as she cried quietly into his shoulder.

"lets stop by the Gryffindor common room and see if Hermione could brew up some sort of cream to help it heal quicker." Bailey suggests, wiping her eyes.

"yeah, thats a good idea." Mattheo agrees.

the two head up to the Gryffindor common room and wait for a Gryffindor student to walk by. a little 3rd Year walks by.

"hi, could you get Hermione Granger for me?" Bailey asks, kindly. the 3rd year nods, says the password to the picture and goes into get her. a few minutes later, Hermione walks out of the portrait hole, looking confused. when she sees Bailey standing next to Mattheo, who had his arm around her, she walks over to them.

"hey Bail, whats up?" Hermione asks.

"hi, do you know how to make some sort of Healing Potion? me and Mattheo just had detention with Umbridge, and she made us write with a 'special quill' that uses the blood from our bodies." Bailey explains, showing Hermione her hand.

"Oh my god, that looks bad. ill brew something up, and ill be out in a minute." Hermione replies, worriedly. she runs back into the Gryffindor common room to get started. Harry comes out to see them.

"Hermione told me what happened, are you ok?" he asks.

"yeah, i guess. it just hurts." Bailey responds.

"are- are you ok too?" Harry asks, directing it at Mattheo. he hadnt been even noticed when Hermione came out.

"oh yeah, it hurts, but my line wasnt as long as Baileys, so im more worried about her than me." Mattheo says. Bailey looks up at him.

"mine was longer by one word, and we had to write the same amount of lines. your one hurts too, dont deny it." Bailey points out, stilling looking up at him. they make eye contact and hold it.

"well, ill check on how Hermione's getting on with the potion, and be back out to tell yous in a minute." Harry says, awkwardly, going back in. a few minutes later, Harry and Hermione come back out.

"here, this should help it." Hermione announces, handing Mattheo a small container with some beige-ish cream inside.

"thank you Mione, really." Bailey thanks.

"yeah, thanks Hermione." Mattheo adds, smiling.

Hermione smiles back. "just apply it along the cut and leave it to dry in." she says as Bailey and Mattheo walk off.

Baileys POV:
when they get to the Slytherin common room, Mattheo brings Bailey up to his dorm room. she sits on the bed and he opens the container.

"give me your hand." he says, reaching out for it. she lifts her hand to meet his. he takes her hand, gets a dollop of the cream and gently smoothes it out on her hand. she grunts in pain.

"oh sorry, am i hurting you?" Mattheo quickly asks, worried.

"no, no, dont worry, it just stings." she replies, reassuringly.

he continues to gently rub it in.

"you need some too." Bailey says after a while.

"as i said earlier, your sentence was longer, so ill do my own later." Mattheo replies.

"stubborn bitch." Bailey adds, grabbing the container. she takes his hand and places a bit on his hand, rubbing it in.

"ouch, your right it does sting." he admits, laughing slightly.

she laughs at him. "i didnt lie." she says.

"thank you love." Mattheo says gratefully, when she finished applying the cream to his hand.

"no problem, rattymatty." she replies, looking at him. Mattheo looks at her aswell. she smiles slightly, and gets nervous at him looking at her. Bailey looks away, only for Mattheo to lightly grab her chin and turn her face towards his.

"you have no idea how long ive wanted to do this." he says, his voice suddenly deeper.

"do wha-" she begins, but is interrupted by Mattheo pressing his lips to hers. at first, she was as stiff as a board, caught off guard by the sudden intimacy, but then relaxes into the kiss.

Bailey was the first to pull away. Mattheo pulls back, still looking at her lips.

"i dont want to go too far yet." she whispers.

"yeah, i understand that." he whispers back.

Bailey, putting her hands in Mattheos hair, pulls him back in for another kiss. just then, the dorm door opens, scaring then apart.

"woah dude, you couldve just put a sock on the doorknob, i wouldntve walked in on... whatever this is." Theodore Nott says.

"we werent about to fuck Theo, calm down." Mattheo replies, rolling his eyes.

"mhm, sureee." Theodore teases.

"andddd im out." says Bailey, getting up off the bed. "ill see you later Matty." she adds, as she walks out

Love and loss ~ Mattheo Riddle Fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن