Chapter 4~ First Day

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*3 day time skip- Monday*

word count: 1.1k

Baileys POV:
she walks towards her first class- Defense Against the Dark Arts. DADA was one of Baileys favourite classes, until they got the new teacher- Professor Umbridge. Umbridge isnt a good teacher at all. she works for the Ministry of Magic, so she follows whatever the Minister of Magic says.  The Minister doesnt believe that Voldemort is back, even though Cedric Diggory died last year because of him, so he sent Umbridge to the school to teach DADA, but in a safe way- not teaching the students how to defend themselves. its stupid honestly.

Bailey shows up to class and sits next to Fred and George.

"hey Bailey." Fred says, joyfully.

"hi Freddie." Bailey returns.

just as he was about to start a conversation, Umbridge walks in.

"Wands away." she says. students moan and groan and put their wands away. Mattheo walks in 5 minutes late.

"youre late, Mr Riddle." Umbridge announces.

"yeah, i know, i can tell the time." Mattheo answers back.

"how dare you speak to me in such a way. detention, after classes. meet me in my office at 6:45pm, sharp. use your time telling skills and make sure youre on time." Professor Umbridge rants. Mattheo rolls his eyes. Bailey laughs at his reaction.

"do you want detention to Ms Black?" Umbridge adds, turning her attention to Bailey.

Bailey stays silent for a moment. she looks at Mattheo, whos shaking his head at her, telling her not to press Umbridge.

"yeah, it would be better than sitting in the common room." Bailey says, cheekily.

"ok, detention for you too Ms Black." she announces. "anyone else?" she asks the class. no one else spoke up.

at one point during the class, Bailey feels someone tapping her shoulder. she turns around and sees Mattheo, with his hand outstreched. in his hand, is a little piece of parchment paper, pressumable ripped from his sheet. Bailey, making sure Umbridge wasnt looking, takes the paper and opens it. it reads:

"why the fuck did you purposely get a detention? you do know she probably has really bad detentions, right?"

Bailey quickly writes her respose: "i didnt want you to have to do it alone." she admits. once again, checking Umbridge wasnt paying attention to them, she hands Mattheo her response. as he opens it to read it, Bailey glances back to see his reaction. he smiles at it and looks up at her and makes eye contact, still smiling. she smiles back.

"Ms Black, eyes up here. you dont want a double detention do you?" says Umbridge. Bailey quickly turns around, breaking the eye contact.

"no Professor." she responds.

for the remainder of the class, Bailey tries to pay attention, but ends up zoning out. at the end of the class, Bailey packs up her things and walks to the North Tower with Mattheo.

"you shouldnt have done that." Mattheo says suddenly.

"done what?" Bailey questions, surprised by the random question.

"you shouldnt have gotten a detention on purpose, for me." he corrects himself.

"well, i dont regret it." Bailey replies, surprised by how true it was. she takes his hand and holds it, the feeling of his cold rings against her hands are somewhat... comforting.

Mattheo doesnt answer, he just looks at their hands holding each other and smiles. he brings her hand up to his lips and gives it a little peck, causing her to blush. he smirks at her red face.

they get to the Divination classroom before Trelawney and take their seats. Pansy looks over at Bailey and Mattheo and raises her eyebrows at their hands holding each other. Mattheo leans into Baileys ear.

"your friend, Pansy, is looking at us." he whispered. for some reason, it gave Bailey the shivers. she looks where Mattheos looking and makes eye contact with Pansy. she raises her eyebrows back at her and turns her attention back to Mattheo.

"so ive been thinking about what you said on Friday morning." Bailey says.

"about?" Mattheo asked.

"about you-" she began, but was interrupted by Professor Trelawney coming up the ladder into the classroom.

"hello students. oh what is that? i am sensing a bad aura from over this side of the room." Trelawney says. on Mondays, Slytherin have Divination with Gryffindor, so Harry, Ron and Hermione are in the class as Bailey. Trelawney has an obsession with 'predicting' Harrys death, and honestly, to Bailey, its very funny.

the class drags on, as per usual, and when its finally over, Bailey is glad that its lunch time. she decides to sit with Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and the twins at the Gryffindor table. as she was walking towards the Gryffindor she sees Mattheo walking towards the Slytherin table.

"Matty? come here." Bailey says, calling him over. he walks over.

"whatsup love?" he asked, calmly. she blushes at the nickname.

"come, sit with us." Bailey demands, grabbing his hand and dragging him over to sit with the Gryffindors.

"hey guys." Bailey says, smiling at her friends she sits down, and drags Mattheo to sit beside her.

"whys he here?" asks Ron loudly.

"Ron dont be so rude." says Hermione, hitting him.

"its a good question though, why is he here?" Harry backs up.

"shut the fuck up, hes my boyfriend, dick." Bailey says.

"he is?" Ron and Harry ask in sync.

"i am?" Mattheo asks. Bailey leans into his ear.

"thats what i was gonna say before Divination. i thought about what you said on Friday, and i realised i like you too." Bailey whispers in his ear. Mattheo smiles, leaning into her ear.

"thats good to know, so are we dating now?" he says softly.

"i guess so." she smiles at him.

"uh hello? earth to Bailey. hi, nice to see you too." Fred says.

"hi Freddie, how are you?" she asked, changing from whispering to talking loudly. Mattheo smiles at her while shes laughing with her friends.

while they were eating their lunch, Bailey takes Mattheos hand and holds it.

after lunch they had potions. Snape paired Draco and Bailey together for the first term. Mattheo was paired with Pansy. For their first lesson, they were making Forgetfulness Potions. The class felt so long for no reason. when its finally over, they go to their last class of the day. Transfiguration.

they were trying to transfigure a mouse into a wine glass then back. Hermione, of course, got this after a few minutes.

"well done, Ms Granger." Professor McGonagall congratulates.

"thank you Professor." Hermione thanks.

after Transfiguration, Mattheo and Bailey go to the common room to do their homework and wait for 6:45pm to roll around.

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