long walk home

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"WHO ARE YOU." I shouted.
Oh boy I hope it's not nettle, but I mean it doesn't sound like him either.


"You haven't answered the question."
"Yeah answer the question!" Princess said trying to help me here.

The cookie slowly but precisely walked about of the shadows. Turns out it is custard!

"OMG CUSTARD!" Princess shouted as she ran towards him.

"What are you doing here? You would of been very hurt!" She said.

"I decided to follow those guys because... Erm... Well... I've- never seen them before... and I thought if I followed them I would find you and Ast- I MEAN I would find you."

I couldn't help but laugh at that last part.

Princess looked at me confused, so did custard.

So custard does not recognise me, and princess does not know that custard is the cookie I have been talking about!

"Who are you..?" Custard asked me, he obviously was very puzzled.

"Oh custard this is the person who saved me from the people who kidnapped me!"

Listen, listen, somehow this is funny to me. Don't ask why it just is. Once again I laughed at that, but it's obvious I tried not to.

"Wait, wait, wait." I said.

"Custard, maybe this will help you recognise me..." As I said that I did my magic, the same one I used to communicate with custard.

'hey dummy it's me aster, right Infront of you. The person who saved your life and your friends more than once... And now as well princess's life.'

As I did that I saw custards expressions change. From surprise to him being frozen in time, and then finally happiness.

Once I stopped my magic custard ran towards me and gave me a big hug.

"Thank you." He said quietly squeezing me to death.

I like how this whole intire time princess is staring at both of us very confused, waiting for one of us to clear something up. HAHA.

After the hug princess just stared at us both.
"What...? I'm so confused. What just happened?"

"Princess remember how I talked about another cookie and stuff, how the situation we had was similar to-" before I could even finish princess just did an 'OOOOOH!' noise.

What? How else am in I meant to describe it?

"Now I get it! So custard are you the one that Aster could communicate with!"

"How did you-?" Aaaannd custard did not finish his sentence. Honestly custard if you where listening to me you would of heard that I talked about it with her.

"Aster told me as we where walking back to the kingdom!"

I like how we are talking about me and not questioning what happened to the guard that randomly disappeared or the fact that there may be an apocalypse if we don't do anything about nettle cookie soon.

"Don't you guys think we should get going to the kingdom or find a place to stay over the night if the kingdom is far away?" I inturuped them.

" Wait custard is the kingdom far or not because you said you wanted to follow those guys to save us two."

Custard got a little embarrassed and said
" Well it isn't that far but we will gonna have to walk a while."

"Well then let's go!" I grabbed princess by the arm and custard by his sleeve and dragged them along with me.


I can't believe that I actually just met Aster!

She looks cooler than I expected. She also is pretty too.

I'm really happy to see her! After all she did somehow save my friends life. Well at the same time so did I but without me knowing... hehe.

Now she is going to warn everyone else and save us all! And maybe even with me and my help, and then be told for years to come and statues would of been made! *Gasp* that would be really awesome!

-time skip-

My legs are hurting and in tired. I can't feel my legs, everything hurts, and I am still walking. Minute by minute I am slowing down.

"Come on custard you said it wasn't that far!" Aster assured me.

I can't anymore. I walked towards them and then a couple minutes later I have to walk the same distance back, I can't it's too much walking.

"I'm too tired- my legs hurt I can't walk anymore."

Aster turned around and looked at me, she sighed and walked towards me. Then she picked me up and put me on her back giving me a piggyback.

"Well we are not going to stop now. There are cake hounds around here." She said to me.

"Aw thats adorable!" Princess inturuped.
"Your like siblings!"

"Yeah, yeah, and your like a snail, your very slow. Haha."

"Hey! I can beat you in a race!" Princess insisted.

"Listen 'girl in pink' I would race you but I am currently carrying a small tired king on my back so unfortunately I cannot beat your ass in a race."

*Gasp* she sees me as a king? She called me a king! I haven't heard anyone call me that for so long! I already like Aster, even though I don't know much about her.

"How did you know that I'm a royal aster?"

"You have a crown, cape, and a royal like staff, and plus I know you more then you me, I basically was and still am able to hear your thoughts when using my magic spell."

Oh yeah right I forgot about that! Haha.
*Yawn* I'm really tired. BUT I WON'T SLEEP. I can't go to sleep now! Aspecaily that we are like 20 minutes from our kingdom!

My eyes are getting really heavy, maybe I'll just rest my eyes for a bit, but not fall asleep.

I rest my head on asters and slowly closed my eyes. Well that was a bad decision because I immediately fell asleep.

I'm the best king ever (Cookie Run Kingdom )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin