starting the day :)

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*sigh* alright! Let's get this day properly started shall we? I ran up the stairs, along the long corridor into the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and washed my face, then I ran into my room to get dressed and brush my messy hair.

After I got dressed in my very royal and cool clothes I headed outside. As I slowly walked towards the door I'm feeling I'm forgetting something.

As if something doesn't want me to go outside.

As if something bad may happen...

Nah, I'll just double check in my room if I have everything. Probably nothing and just a random feeling!

Ok so I have my crown. My Cape. My staff. I brushed my hair and teeth. Yeah I'm not forgetting anything!

Once again I walked down the stairs and towards the door this time the feeling is gone. I turned the door handle slowly pushing the door open due to how massive it is and also due to how small I am.

I quickly felt the cold breeze against my face.
Was it really this cold? I mean no wonder it is still winter.

Hm now I must find my friends. You know gingerbrave strawberry cookie, wizard cookie, and chilli pepper cookie.

Maybe we will go on an adventure again!

Even though the adventures we go to may be terrific it is still very exciting. I don't really show it but I LOVE going on adventures. Probably more fun than being a King!

We always meet new friends and new places and statues of royals from the past!

And the way we transport from here to there is by using the hot balloons in the corner of the kingdom. It is way faster that way then walking for hours and hours just to get to a new place.

In that way me, custard cookie the third does not get tired easily. So with everyone else.

I act a lot like a king when I'm around everyone to give of the royal vibe don't I?

Guess I'm so used to it that I think that way too! Haha

As I looked for my friends, I went past the smithy and there was avocado cookie sharpening a sword. Then I heard her stop.

"Hey kid, where are you going"

"Oh I'm trying to find gingerbrave and the rest. Have you seen them perhaps?"

"No unfortunately I have not, sorry kid."

"Ok thank you "

Avocado cookie always calls me kid but I don't really mind it from her. Aspecaily that she is busy all the time and I don't see her much. So when ever we get to talk i wouldn't mind, I would not want to ruin the conversation by me complaining about her calling me a kid.

Besides I would feel really bad for doing that.

Then I spotted gingerbrave and ran towards him.

And of course as I got closer I heard the shouts of chilli pepper arguing with gingerbrave about what way to eat cereal.

"Are they arguing again?" I asked waiting for a response from anyone.

"Yep just the usual" wizard cookie responded

"They argue a lot over really dumb things and how to do something correctly" strawberry added

"Heh, yeah i noticed"

"But it is quite entertaining to hear both sides of the arguement and their points" wizard said.

"Yeah true" strawberry responded.

Really? Entertaining? How?

It's just two people arguing..?
I find it quite annoying or just want to walk away.

I really hate it when people argue. Just can't stand it. But their my friends so I eventually got used to it due to how much time I spend with them.

Strawberry kind of has the same thing as me for arguing unless it's gingerbrave and chilli pepper.

Chilli pepper gets in lots of arguements. Aspecaily with wizard and gingerbrave With everyone else it's fine.

Why is chilli pepper so agresive and mean she steals stuff from everyone, she loves getting into physical and emotional fights.

She scares me sometimes. But i believe she has a soft spot somewhere. I believe every person has some type of good in them, no matter how bad they are. Even the cookies of darkness and dark enchantress cookie.

"I'll just say if you put the cereal before the milk the cereal will get all soggy!"

"And putting your cereal after the milk is unnatural. It will leave all the cereal on top dry and the ones on the bottom soak as you eat the dry cereal."

"Are you guys done yet?"

"Oh custard since when did you come here?" Gingerbrave asked.

"About 20 minutes ago?"

"It's been 20 minutes?!?" Chilli pepper partially screamed.

"Jeez chilli pepper no need to be so loud!" Gingerbrave responded as to the fact the chilli pepper kind of screamed into his ears.

"Ok how about let's head back to raisin cookie and healer cookie to help with the robots!" Gingerbrave suggested


The feeling.

The bad feeling that bothered me before I went outside.

It's back.

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