It was almost time for Severus' dinner. "I'll put locks on the door. Spell wise of course." Raven immediately started barking upset. He couldn't take him to the restaurant, animals may not be allowed and he didn't want to drag the dog somewhere he may not be accepted.

He settled on bringing the dog to Lily but wasn't sure how she'd feel after he rejected her kiss. "Do you wanna stay with Regulus?" Severus suggested.

The dog sat on the floor refusing to go. It was almost as if he sensed something dangerous towards him.

"I don't know where else to take you..." Severus thought for a moment. "I'll have to ask... I'll have to ask Lupin if he'll watch you while I'm gone." The dog barked in approval while Severus reluctantly searched for the other scarred boy. Before he knew it Raven was dragging him to the library.

Remus was just exiting. When he saw Severus and Raven he gave an irritated look. "I'm not going to beg. I'm only requesting if you could watch over Raven." Severus didn't fully trust Remus, but he trusted the fact Raven trusted him.

To his surprise Remus accepted. "I'll take him. I hope you don't mind if I take him to the magizoologist to get him checked?"

At that moment Severus realized he has never gotten Raven an appointment. He nodded in agreement with Remus' request. He made a mental note to get Raven a new chew toy.

"Thank you." Severus usually wasn't one to say please and thank you unironically, but anyone who cared for the most important thing in his life earned his respect. 

Remus just smiled at Severus. Severus didn't know why this made him blush. It was refreshing not to have someone pitying him or try hard to make amends. 

Raven snarled which got Severus' attention. Severus got down on his knees and said his goodbyes. "Be a good boy for Remus. When daddy comes back he'll bring you some bones to eat." He gave the dog a gentle rub on the head. It wasn't anything new for him to part with the dog, heck the dog often left on his own accord but this was the first time Severus left him with someone.

Severus reluctantly walked away from his beloved pet. It was strange this was the first time Severus walked down the hall without his dog and felt kinda comfortable. He guessed the threats James and Sirius made helped. It didn't completely stop the stares but people were more discreet. Severus scolded himself for almost being grateful. They were the reason this all started. 

In an attempt to make sure nothing funny went on Severus made sure to get there ten minutes before James and Sirius to avoid any funny business.  He checked the waiters and staff to see if there could be any way James and Sirius could get to his food. It was different at Hogwarts. They were in detention all the time so them tampering with the food before it's served wouldn't shock him.

After checking with the staff Severus sat down in a booth that was out of the way. Severus noticed James and Sirius were rather late when they walked in. 

"Hey, Snape how's it going?" James smiled as he sat down right in front of Severus and Sirius followed along with him.  

"Wonderful until I heard your horrible small talk." Severus didn't even try looking up from the menu. Too many witnesses and the bruise to James' and Sirius' reputation was too fresh so Severus wasn't worried about them attacking him.

"Harsh Snape. Sounds like someone skipped breakfast."

Snape wanted so badly to laugh at James' corny joke.

"No, I'm just upset over all the lessons I'm missing."

"We have notes you can use back at the dorm." By notes, Sirius meant Remus', notes. 

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