Chapter Two: Echoes of the Past

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• Hiroto Amamiya •

   "Don't ever forget this. No matter what anybody says, the three of us, we're real brothers. The strongest and the greatest."

As I gazed upon Takeru's room, a hollow emptiness consumed me. Everything remained untouched, exactly as he left it. Masaki left it up to me to pack our brother's things away, but I always found excuses, claiming laziness.

But deep down, I knew the truth. I was paralyzed by the fear of moving forward without Takeru by my side. I despised this feeling. Takeru had always urged me to be strong, yet here I was, struggling to find the strength.

"Living strong isn't so simple, aniki," I sighed, my voice echoing in the silent space. "No matter how many victories I achieve, I feel nothing without you here. I don't know how to proceed, aniki. Give me a sign."

I whispered into the empty room, hoping for some form of response. Yet, as with every other night, silence greeted me. I turned around, ready to leave, when my phone suddenly rang. It was a call from Rocky of the White Rascals.

I couldn't recall how we had exchanged numbers, but I answered the call. "Hello?"

"There's a girl here looking for an Amamiya," he informed me.

"If it's a girl, you've got the wrong brother," I replied. Among the three of us, Masaki was the only one who flirted like it was a hobby. I have no idea how he managed to intertwine it with his life of gangs and business dealings.

"Takeru Amamiya, you jerk!" A woman's cry reached my ears in the background. "You're such a liar! I hate you, Takeru-senpai!"

It certainly didn't sound like Aika Naruse. She had moved on and was living peacefully outside of Sannoh Region.

"Come pick this lady up. She's a mess," Rocky sighed heavily.

"I'm on my way." I hung up the phone and rushed out of Takeru's room, coincidentally meeting Masaki as he emerged from the bathroom.

"Oi, Hiroto. Did you clean—Oi! Where are you going?" My brother's voice trailed off as I ignored his question, hastily slipping on my jacket and grabbing my keys. I hurried out and hopped onto my motorcycle.

I always believed that Takeru was too preoccupied to have a woman in his life. I once overheard him say that with the path he was treading, he didn't want to entangle someone in his dangerous world. Love was both selfish and perilous, and it was a choice we consciously avoided.

The journey to Club Heaven took some time, as it was situated in Sannoh while we resided in Little Asia. As soon as I entered the club, the overwhelming scent of alcohol and perspiration assaulted my senses, reaffirming my distaste for such places. The pounding music only exacerbated my pounding headache. I glanced up and spotted Rocky on the second floor, raising his cane in acknowledgment.

Letting out a sigh, I pushed my way through the throng of intoxicated, sweaty bodies. Climbing the stairs, I approached Rocky who greeted me. "She's been muttering the same name repeatedly, but now she's passed out."

I turned my attention to the woman slumbering on the lounge, her form draped in a white coat. I nodded at Rocky and cautiously approached the girl, gently brushing aside her hair to reveal her face.

My heart skipped a beat as I beheld her exquisite features. Her complexion was porcelain, her delicate face fitting within the span of my hand. A slender, graceful nose complemented her pouty lips. It was almost easy to forget that she was the one who had uttered Takeru's name. Who was she?

"Take her home now, Amamiya. Make sure she gets some rest." I removed my leather jacket and handed back the white coat to Rocky. I took a deep breath.

"What is she wearing?" I murmured to myself, then covered her with my leather jacket and effortlessly lifted her. I held her securely, one hand supporting her back and the other cradling her knees, like carrying a bride.

Exiting the club, I realized I had brought my motorcycle. I swung my leg over the bike and positioned her on my thighs in front of me. I couldn't put her behind me; she might fall.

"I hope you're worth all this trouble," I sighed, starting the motorcycle. I felt her stir and groan, wrapping her small arms around my neck.

"...senpai," she whispered softly in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I glanced down, and her eyes were peacefully closed, with her long lashes gently brushing her smooth cheeks.

I let out a heavy breath, momentarily forgetting how to exhale.

Once we arrived home, I silently hoped that Masaki was already asleep. I couldn't handle his endless questions right now. This would be the first time I brought a girl home, although I wasn't even sure why. I just wanted to know who she was and how she knew Takeru.

I managed to open the door while carrying the girl, and the first thing I noticed was Masaki snoring on the couch, with the TV still on. I sneaked the girl into my bedroom and gently laid her down on my bed. She found comfort and clutched the sheets, causing her short dress to ride up.

"This isn't right," I groaned, rubbing my temple and looking away. I opened my closet, grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a shirt, and turned back to her.

I sharply inhaled as I caught a glimpse of her underwear.

"Um... Cover yourself up," I told her, handing her the clothes while averting my gaze. Why was I suddenly stuttering?

"Mm..." she groaned, stirring in her sleep.

Deciding to simply cover her with the blanket, I said, "People wear clothes to cover themselves up. What's the deal with this dress? Is it even a dress or underwear?"

I left the clothes neatly on the nightstand and exited the room. Collapsing onto the couch, I startled Masaki in the process.

"Oh, hey! Where have you been?" he yelled in my ear, and I pushed myself away.

"Quit acting like a wife, aniki. I just went for a ride," I lied. I was sure he wouldn't be so quiet if I told him I had a girl in my room.

"Wife? Hiroto—"

I shook my head and nudged him off the couch. "Go away, I want to sleep."

"Then go to your room! Why sleep on the couch when you have a perfectly good bed?" Masaki exclaimed.

"I want to listen to the TV," I let out a relieved sigh as I lay down on the couch.

"You're so weird, Hiroto." Masaki eyed me suspiciously. "I know what's going on."

I rolled my eyes at him and remained silent.

"It's because you haven't gotten laid in a long time," My eyes shot open, and I threw a couch pillow at him. Masaki laughed and hurried to his bedroom.

"Unlike you, I don't need a girl to keep me sane!" I scoffed, trying to put the fact that a girl was sleeping in my room out of my mind.

Who is she, Takeru?

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