chapter 2 mistakes forgotten

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Back in new york Tea had an intership of an art academy where she could take up being a professional artist and she could also forget about her past mistakes like tony and create a future with betty  a woman who Tea had feelings for but never could quite admit that she loved her.

Anyways on with the story and this is Tea and Betty in new york.

Tea: Its amazing don't you think.

Betty: Yeah standing outside central park with my girlfriend , how could it get any better.

Tea: shut up don't be so soppy.

Betty: I was joking but it is amazing.

Tea: Yeah it is. but i wonder how abbud and daisy are doing back in canada.

Betty: Probably doing it.

Tea laughs

Tea: yeah knowing abbud.

Tea: But i might just call them to see whats going on and if iv'e missed anything.

Betty: yeah sure id love to know what the weather is like back there.

Tea: Betty you really know how to brighten up this day.

Betty giggles and says

Betty: Go on call them.

Tea takes her phone out of her pocket and dials abbuds number and it keeps ringing

Tea: Thats strange he's not answering, he always answers to me even with daisy.

Betty: Try daisy then.

Tea dials daisys number but no answer.

Tea: Okay that's too weird.

Betty: Daisy and abbud aren't answering at all?

Tea: NO and im really worried.

But just as tea is about to dial chris's number Her phone goes RING RING RING RING.

Tea: It says unknown number.

Betty: Tea don't answer it. it could be anybody.

But tea ignores betty and answers the phone. It was a girl with a quiet voice, but when she continued to talk, Tea recognised the voice..

Tea: Eura is that you.

Betty: Eura, tea who is eura?

Tea: It's tony's little sis.

Eura: Hey boy-girl.

Tea: Eura it's tea.

Eura: whatever.

Tea:I don't mean to sound rude but why are you calling me?

Eura: I have some news about tony. you remember the one who loves you.

Tea: Eura i told him i can't do this anymore.

Eura: Listen im not on about that.

Tea: Then what the hell are you on about?

Eura: I just thought id let you know that loverboy is in the hospital.

Tea: Loverboy?

Eura: Tony.

Tea heart stopped that moment as she remembed the last thing he said to her. THREE BIG WORDS. I LOVE YOU.


Betty: Tea what is it? whats wrong?

Tea ignored what betty was saying and recited to what eura had said.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2011 ⏰

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