Philip understands what he means. 'You do know what we're just like humans right? We aren't humans but thay doesn't mean that you should think that we aren't equal... don't worry about umm offending me or something... you can tell me anything, you won't won't in trouble. Well... if you confess about a murder then you.. you will get in trouble..' The man blushed bright red in a matter of seconds... he seemed so nervous earlier... now his eyes are full of prise and determination? Philip gulps when the man grabbed his hands and clasped his hands over Phil's. Philip is screaming in confusion internally. He's about to activate his flee reaction.

'I.. I think that you're really cute! And...'

"Oh God... Belarus save me.." Philip says in his mind. As of a switched was flipped inside the man.. he's now so talkative and brave... his speech confession laster for about four minutes. Philip was dying of embarrassment, his face was bright red.

'Do you want to go and eat?' The man asks. Philip is just glad that he's finally done talking. Philip nods feverishly, still unable to process everything the man told him.

They went and had corn dogs. Phil was about to tell the man that he had to go. Not that he had plans, he just wants to go home and wrap a blanket around himself. But the man with full determination, dragged him to play some games and go on some rides. Philip didn't want to carry a lot of things so he just gave out the plushies away to the kids they came across.

Philip forgot his wrist watch today, so he was unaware of the time. Time went by so fast, it's time for dinner already. 'How long have we been here?' Philip asks himself in confusion as he realizes that it's getting dark.

'Did you have fun today?' The man asks eagerly. Phil doesn't want to crush his dreams and reveal the truth that he was quite bored... 'Yeah...' Philip replies, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment. Philip tightly squeezes the octopus plush. Phil takes a deep breath to prepare himself for what he's about to say. 'It's getting late, I think we should go...' Phil was going to say "on our separate ways" but he chickened out and instead said "and have dinner...". Liam smiles eagerly at him  'That sounds good to me. Where do you want to go?' Phil curses upon hearing this. Perhaps they are meant to part after... and not go have dinner together. 'Anywhere... I fine with anything... you can choose..'

Belarus perfectly planned everything. From the moment he pushed Phil to the direction of the teacups ride, until now, he perfectly planned everything.

'You will get your well deserve love, Philip! I promise you that! You won't be lonely today, not on my watch!' Belarus says proudly in his mind. He was going to continue watching them, but a woman wraps her arms around him. 'Not gonna join us?' The woman pouts. 'Of course course I will. Who would leave a beautiful lady such as you all bothered' Belarus replies as he Let's the woman pull him closer. He wraps his hands around the girl's waist, while the woman finds her arms up around his neck. 'Let's continue' The woman whispers to him. Belarus barely pays attention to the women he goes out with, but this time he noticed that the woman is wearing a Maroon top. Suddenly, his thoughts go to Philip. "Philip loves maroon. He wants to wear maroon clothes, but he's afraid that it wouldn't be a good idea since it wouldn't match his skin tone, which is red" Belarus had always told Philip that it he should care about what other people say, and just wear what he wants. The woman tugging on him makes him snap out of of thoughts. Now he questions himself as to why he's thinking about Philip in this situation. He apologizes to the woman, and continues with what they are doing.

Phil followed Liam to his car, to let him drive them to their destination. To lessen the awkwardness, Philip asked him if he could turn on the radio to listen to some tunes. He was allowed to, and they ended up listening to pop songs. Phil found it quite interesting that Liam had CDs that contained bethoven songs.

It all worked out in the end (Countryhumans)Where stories live. Discover now