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Renjun put his hand through his hair as he walked through the club. It was during the day. The staff were setting things up for another night. He sat on his table, making sure it was sturdy and could hold his weight.

"Hey, your performance last night was killer." A short male walked through the room.

"They were amazing, Hyung." Jisung chuckled. "They earned us so much money, and a newcomer."

The other raised his eyebrows. "Did you get his name?" He asked.

"His name is Mark." Haechan said. "I think he'll be a regular, Chenle." He assured.

Chenle smirked and nodded. "With the show he watched, I'm sure of it." He said. "You have a few appointments tonight, Haechan." He brought up, giving the card to Haechan.

Haechan read through the names, knowing what they wanted. "Two lapdances for Mr. Lee and Cho, a make-out session with the Son twins, and a night with Mrs. Kim." He read aloud. "I got it." He nodded.

Renjun sat up. "Does anyone want me?" He asked.

Chenle looked at the older Chinese boy. "Well.. You know you just work the floor." Chenle said. "You're not on the request list." He continued.

Renjun grumbled. "Hey c'mon." He complained. "I've been here for three years, and not once have I had sex with anyone." He folded his arms. "My lyrics come within, you know. I wanna get laid." He stood up.

Chenle rolled his eyes. "Do we have to have this conversation every week?" He asked.

"And every week, you ignore me." Renjun walked up to the bar. "What gives, Chenle? I can't just be serving tables all night, I wanna get in on the action. Like real action." He said.

Jisung hummed. "Maybe Haechan and Renjun can switch for a day?" He suggested.

"Oh fuck that." Haechan said. "You just serve tables, Peasant." He looked angrily at Renjun.

"Well fuck you!" Renjun shouted back.

"Ay, ay, guys." Chenle got between them. "If you guys want to fuck for the afternoon, I'll give you a room, kay?" He chuckled.

Renjun rolled his eyes and Haechan looked the other way. "Okay, so we made twice as much this month as we did last month." Jisung started. "Maybe we can start doing special night twice a week? Renjun could be the special?" He suggested.

Chenle hummed and sat on a stool. "I was thinking about it, honestly." He looked at Renjun. "If Haechan is once a week, why not do Renjun once a month?" He brought up. "We could do a bid." He snapped his fingers.

"A bid? For..?" Renjun was confused.

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