17. a small realisation

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He nodded understanding where your coming from, he knows you don't want to spread any illness unintentionally so it is probably best to keep a distance away. So he did just that.

''Alright then, let me get my bag and I'll come with you.''

Dr. Taylor is a nice person. He is a doctor and he'll come rain or storm to be sure if your alright. Once Mr and Mrs Winston's kids got horribly sick during a thunder storm and he came anyway despite the on going storm outside. He even came to and from his house to their's to be sure they were alright, and they live at the other side of town.

You two ran through the lashing rain trying to get back home. The path was muddy and slippy, with small puddles that filled the pot holes in the path.
You used your wings to cover your head while running.  Arriving at the house you could still see the two very much asleep on the couch. Letting Dr. Taylor inside first you closed the door after him.

He took a closer look at Tubbo then Foolish before diagnosing them. He pulled out a small medicine vile and handed it to you.

''Give Tubbo 1 table spoon and give Foolish 2. Understand?'' He asked walking back over towards the door.

''Yes. Thank you.''

''No problem, come get me if they get worse.'' He said before leaving.

You turned around and placed the medicine in a high cabnet where you'd usually put all the medication. It was almost empty with just a first aid kit and pain killers from when your wings were coming in.
When you were looking at them once you got better you realised that most of this was some strong stuff. It didn't even do much at all.

Pushing those thoughts aside you turned to make the two some soup. Mabe this time they won't throw it up again.


They had begun the journey early in the morning, Wilbur Techno Tommy Funnel and Shadow were traveling. They were coming back home. Funnel and Tommy kept running ahead, causing Wilbur to yell at them to come back. It was fun... for Funnel and Tommy at least.
Techno and Wilbur were still figuring out a way to tell them that you.. May not be.. alive. Every time they even think about it, it sends a wave of grief through their system.

They didn't even get chance to love them like the sibling they were supposed to be. Wilbur didn't get to teach them music, Techno didn't get to teach them how to defend themselves. It felt like.. like they deserved it though.. but, even if they deserved to feel this bad Y/n didn't deserve to die for their punishment. Not like this anyway. Not all alone like their mother had.

The two kept quiet the entire journey.. well, until it started raining.
The lashing rain lead the family into a cave, it was small, but sheltered. Enough space for them for the night.

"Okay guys, time to set up camp."  Wilbur claimed taking his bag off his back rolling his shoulders until it felt right. Funnel grabbed her sleeping bag taking it to the very back of the small cave for privacy, only inviting Tommy to sleep beside her. They both were able to fit their stuff into a single shared bag.

Wilbur and Techno were setting up a fire.

The storming rain was pouring down like a waterfall. Dripping sounds filled the empty cave which echoed off the walls. Thunder struck, and a figure appeared from the cave.

Large Wings seemed to belong to the silhouette almost like in a horror movie a crow cared loudly in the background. Wilbur and Techno drew their swords, not wasting a beat. The figure stepped forward with their hands up in surrender.

''Hey, hey-I'm not here for a fight.'' They claimed stepping into the light to reveal Phil. Their father.
Tommy and Funnel waved while Techno and Wilbur kept their swords drawn.

Y/n wad dead. And yet you seem happy to see us? Techno found something wrong about that.

''You can put your weapons down.''

''Where's Y/n.'' Techno questioned. Though it was more of a challenge. Say the wrong thing you will not be forgiven.
Phil felt it, he almost forgot the question noticing the tone.

''Haha, funny.'' Phil grinned widely thinking this was just a joke. Wilbur was known for pranks. Tommy only followed in his footsteps.

Phil continued towards the fire Techno and Wilbur were still setting up. Neither moved to take away their swords.

''Phil.'' Wilbur spoke this time. Like the future president he swore he would one day become.
''Y/n. Where are they?'' Wilbur's tone was questioning. Not like Techno's challenging but more just trying to get answers.

''At home? Where else would they be? I'm confused. Techno you were home last right?''
That made Wilbur stop. Wide eyes as he stared at his father.

''I haven't been home in a year.'' Techno claimed roughly still glaring at Phil.

Phil now trying not to seem panicked, was still in denial. Thinking this was still a joke.

''Okay, your making me panick. Calm down. What are you-''

''Phil When was the last time you've been back home?'' Wilbur asked Phil thought for a moment.
Already a bad sign.

''Last year.. before Sally and Funnel came to visit I beleive.''
Wilbur flinched at the mention of Sally and the two  couldn't help but hope Phil was lieing.

Turns out he wasn't.

Hey Lovlies!♡
This chapter came late because I'm was on holidays I just finished it now so it's not proof read.
I apologies for any miss spelling. Auto correct can only do so much for my dyslexic self.

Anyway, enjoy and please take care of yourselves.
Enjoy Lovlies♡♡♡

part of the family..Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon