- adventures alone

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mono's pov.

i banged on the locker, hearing someone struggling.

they might have gotten (name).

slightly panicking, i tried lifting the locker up.

i successfully lifted the locker that had fallen on me.

the locker was heavy, but i managed to roll outside.

i quickly looked around, to see if (name) was still here.

oh no.

they're gone.

"hey!" i called. 

but no one came.

then i knew that i need to find them.

i followed the path where i heard the children take (name).

they couldn't have possibly killed them.

peeking around the corner, i saw a child climbing a ladder to the floor upstairs.

the ladder was pulled up, and they were gone.

i need to find (name).

i went to the other side of the locker blocking the path.

there was a child peeking on the door.

i picked up the hammer, getting closer to the child.

he had made this noise, but i smashed his head.

it wasn't a real human.

there were shards that went off when i had hit him with the hammer.

all that remained were his lower jaw and an immobile body.

i moved on to the next room.

it was full of stacked chairs and tables you'd see in a normal school.

spotting another child, i dragged the hammer and went off to smash his head.

i almost got crushed by another trap, but it looked like it was crooked and wasn't aimed properly.

speaking of almost getting crushed, the bucket that was supposedly a trap absolutely bodied the child.

i jumped back, the shards of the child's body flew all over the place.

i had accidentally dropped my hammer, so i picked it up.

although it didn't look necessary, since i can't carry a hammer while climbing.

i went through the hole through the door and i started hearing chalk hitting the board.

this place wasn't abandoned, but we- i learned that when (name) had been abducted by those children.

i leaned over the corner to take a peek, and there were children on their chairs.

and a teacher.

i crawled and started sneaking behind the children.

whenever the chalk would stop hitting the board, i assume that's when she turns around, and i can't go past the child i'm behind when that happens.

the teacher would usually end the pattern by a loud hit on the board.

eventually, i was at the last chair i could hide behind.

there was a door, slightly open just enough for me to enter without any noise.



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