Last Night

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Lets go into the story ;)


The fourth night

Naruto laid on the couch, holding a book that he had bought earlier in front of him. He made it look like he was reading, but it was all just an act. In truth, he was discretely observing Hanabi, who was currently on her bed looking over papers, barely even paying attention to him.

I have to make sure, he thought to himself while turning the page, something doesn't feel right here. The recurring dreams would be one thing, but add what happened this afternoon and suddenly there is something fishy going on here. Could Hanabi really be trying to seduce me? I know that it sounds stupid, insane even; I mean I'm married to her sister, and she's dating one of my best friends! This isn't one of the pervy sage's books, this is real life!

But still, I have to be sure. If I'm not, then I'll go crazy and maybe do something stupid that I will regret forever.

The sound of Hanabi yawning snapped him back to the present, "well, that's enough for tonight. I think I'm going to hit the hay."

"Okay," Naruto answered without looking up from his book.

"You're staying up?" she asked while opening her small vial and pouring it inside her machine.

"Just a little while longer; I'm getting really into this book," he lied.

"Fine. Just don't stay up too late; I can't have you yawing through the meeting tomorrow," she placed her mask on and got under the covers, "night."

He just grunted in response. He laid there on the couch, quietly watching the Hyuga heiress, waiting for something to happen. She suddenly moved, causing him to perk up, but then it turned out she was just rolling to her side. A few minutes later he could distinctively hear her breathing become louder and slower.

She must be asleep. Time to do some snooping, he got up from the couch and began looking around the room as quietly as possible. He checked the bathroom, the closet, and even the mini fridge for anything out of place, but found nothing. He then tiptoed closer to the bed, until he was standing right next to his sister in law. He got down on all fours and checked under the bed, only to find it was empty. Getting up on his knees, he quietly checked the drawer at her bedside table, but no luck there either.

Gods, what am I doing? This is ridiculous, he sighed closing the drawer, I'm spying on my wife's sister for crying out loud. All because of some stupid dreams that probably mean no—

"Mmmmnn," the young woman suddenly rolled over again, resulting in her face being inches away from Naruto's. He froze, his breathe stopped short, and he felt as if his heart had dropped to his stomach.

Crap, crap, crap, crap!

She muttered something and shifted in her sleep.

I'm dead; I'm so, so dead.

"Konohamaru..." she mumbled.

He didn't move.


She turned away again, causing him to let out a sigh of relief and fall on his butt. Not wasting any time, he crawled away from the bed and back on to the couch.

That was way to close! I she had woken up, I would have been in deep shit, he thought to himself, trying to calm down his racing heart, fuck, what was I thinking?!

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