So Real!

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"Mmmmm..." Naruto slowly opened his eyes, only to recoil when sunlight hit his face directly. Sitting up, he rubbed his face before looking at his surroundings. He was in the hotel room, back on the couch, and everything was as it was the night before; everything except for the fact that Hanabi wasn't on the bed.


The image of Hanabi in the nightie lying on top of him immediately came to mind, causing his heart to start beating faster. While still a bit fuzzy, he did remember bits and pieces of what had happened. He reached up and brushed his fingers against his lips, thinking back to the moment before he had blacked out. Looking back at the bed, he noticed that the sheets were thrown about, the machine she had shown him last night was missing its plastic tube, and her grey pajama set was on the floor.

Oh god, he struggled to breathe, his heart practically bursting from his chest, did we—?

"Naruto? Are you awake?" he heard from the bathroom. Looking up he saw a familiar face peeking out, "oh you are; good morning."

"H-Hanabi," he swallowed nervously.

She frowned, "is everything all right?"


She opened the door—revealing that she was already dressed up and carrying the tube from her machine—and walked toward him, causing the blonde ninja to tense up, "are you sure? Because you seem off this morning."

Naruto didn't say anything, unsure of what to say. Hanabi was acting so casually towards him, as if nothing happened. Had it really been just a dream?

But it felt so...real...

He was pulled out of his thoughts when she placed her hand on his forehead and lowered herself until she was at eye level, "hmmm, you don't seem to have a fever; but you seem a bit red in the face. Did you have any problems sleeping last night?"

He didn't answer. He was too focused on her eyes; those pale eyes that he was certain had stared at him with the same intensity of that of a hungry animal about to pounce on its hapless prey. Now all they did was stare at him blankly, without even the smallest flicker of emotion behind them.


He shook his head, "sorry. I guess I just didn't sleep very well. With the long journey and the whole mess with the overbooked room, I guess it must have bothered me more than I thought."

"Is that it? Are you sure?"

I also dreamt of you straddling me down and kissing me, he thought to himself, though he would rather die than saying it out loud. After the misunderstanding from yesterday the last thing he needed was for his sister-in-law to think that he had erotic dreams of her.

"Yes," he lied.

"Well whatever the case, I suggest you get up and get ready," she pulled back and grabbed her clothes from the floor and folding them, "the first meeting with the clans of the Hidden Cloud start in an hour. Like I said, I don't need a body guard, but if you are going to insist on accompanying me then I expect you to be ready to leave in thirty minutes; I will not give a bad impression by arriving late."

"Right, right," he said hastily as he got up hastily and went into the bathroom. Before closing the door, he peeked at Hanabi one last time, only to see her set down the tube and mask next to her machine and pat it a few times while smiling. Closing the door, he turned on the sink and splashed some water on his face before looking at his reflection.

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