Where am i?

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I will tell you when to play the video

I was exploring my powers when i was taking a break, also it was Saturday. I dicided to sing one of my friends songs. (Play the song) "Don't be upset or mad at all, Don't feel regret or sad at all, Hey, I'm still the kind and nice person, Astrid, And I'm fine, I am totally fine, I will stand on the side as you hide, I'm not fine, I'm not fine, I can't fly to the mountains, I can't make the water rise, I can't take another night up in my room, Waiting on a dragon, I can't lift things to help others, Can't control the morning fire or a thunder storm, Can't keep down the unspoken invisible pain, Always waiting on a dragon, a dragon, Always walking alone, Always wanting for more, Like I'm still at that book longing to fly Like all of you fly, All I need is a change, All I need is a chance, All I know is I can't stay on the side, Open your eyes, open your eyes, open your eyes, I would fly to the mountains, water the flowers so i can watch them rise, Someone please just let me know, where did they go? I am waiting on a dragon, a dragon, I would start the fire, Show this world that you exits, Who I am inside, so what can I do? I'm sick of waiting on a dragon, so here I go, I am ready Come on, I'm ready, I've been patient, and steadfast, and steady, show me now as you showed us all those years ago, When you gave us a dragon, Am I too late to see a dragon?" I sang.

I was dancing through the sky when i blinked at the end of my song i seen a dragon. And not just any dragon. It was a nightfury. THE nightfury. Hiccup herenderous haddock the third and his dragon toothless.

That was what I remember. At least til it was black all of a sudden. I woke up about what seem like a hour later and it was 2 hours later. I looked around me and i seen hiccup, fishlegs, astrid, snotlout, ruffnut, and tuffnut.

"Who are you?" I said although i knew the answer. "My name is haddock, hiccup. This right next to me is ingerman, fishlegs. Then that is hofferson, Astrid. Jorgonson, snotlout. Thorston, ruffnut and tuffnut. And who are you?" Hiccup said.

"My name is Astrid, Astrid Pack." I said giving them a small smile. "How come you and i have the same name? And why were you a dragon then a human?" Astrid asked. "Um i forgot about. How do i explain this to a viking. Um you see this is my miraculous it let's me become from a human and i can become a dragon I chose. And all of this and what i am about to tell you is a secret so please don't tell anyone not even your dragons. Promise?" I said.

"Promise." They all said. "So i am achely from the future." I said and looked down not sure what there reactions will be but know astrid will do it with vilonce. And it was silence then laghter. 'Well that is rude they probably don't belive me' i thought. "Why are you laghing?" I asked because that seems rude to laugh.

"Well i seen you come out of a portal but the futer that is just wired." Hiccup said. "If you don't belive me then i will show you, although i still need to figure out how i got here." I said. "Okay but gothi says you need to rest." Fishlegs said. I just nod I feel asleep.

Some days later i was able to move around i had to text my mom saying i was on a camping trip because it was a break since school got canceled. I was able to transform and figure out how i traveled here. "Okay okay, so what did i do i sang my song so let's see." I said (Play the song) "Don't be upset or mad at all, Don't feel regret or sad at all, Hey, I'm still the kind and nice person, Astrid, And I'm fine, I am totally fine, I will stand on the side as you hide, I'm not fine, I'm not fine, I can't fly to the mountains, I can't make the water rise, I can't take another night up in my room, Waiting on a dragon, I can't lift things to help others, Can't control the morning fire or a thunder storm, Can't keep down the unspoken invisible pain, Always waiting on a dragon, a dragon, Always walking alone, Always wanting for more, Like I'm still at that book longing to fly Like all of you fly, All I need is a change, All I need is a chance, All I know is I can't stay on the side, Open your eyes, open your eyes, open your eyes, I would fly to the mountains, water the flowers so i can watch them rise, Someone please just let me know, where did they go? I am waiting on a dragon, a dragon, I would start the fire, Show this world that you exits, Who I am inside, so what can I do? I'm sick of waiting on a dragon, so here I go, I am ready Come on, I'm ready, I've been patient, and steadfast, and steady, show me now as you showed us all those years ago, When you gave us a dragon, Am I too late to see a dragon?" I sang hoping to see a portal but nothing. Also i was in the woods doing it and that is when i heard it. I jumped and turned around.

And seen dagor, cheif of the berserker tribe. How long has he been there. I was in the air when they started shooting dragon nets at me. I had to get back to the hooligans. I kept on doging.

When i arived at the hooligan trib no one was there. I was scared what is going on. I landed next to my tent and went in. Just to find all my stuff gone. Sleeping bag, pens, pencils, dragon diarys, clothes, and more all gone.

I turned around to see Heather holding my dragon diarys. I couldn't belive my eyes. "Heather, that's your name isn't it? What are you doing with my stuff?" I asked her. "These aren't yours though." She said. "YES THEY ARE! Now give them to me or i will make you." I told her through gritted teeth.

Hehehe sorry for a cliffhanger i just wanna. Because i took so long to write this chapter next will be either rescue riders or miraculous ladybug and cat noir. I haven't dicided i hope you like it so long miraculous dragon riders- Dartwingsfly.

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