chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"KUSHINA ARE YOU OK?!" Minato asked as he quickly helped kushina up. "Is naruto....o...k...?" Kushina sked minato weakly, as the kyuubi, was forcefully got out of her vessel.

Minato looked at kushina and reassured her that his fine. "Look minato, stop the kyuubi, from ruining the village!" Kushina said to minato.

Minaato then sushined away, back to their home, and placed kushina gently down next to naruto, naruto slowly woked up, as he felt a warm feeling in his cheeks.

"Awoo?(huh?)" Naruto asked confusingly, kushina painfully looked at naruto, they're first and preciouse only child.

Minato, who was standing infront of the mother-and-son-duo, sadly, but he needed to stop the kyuubi and the intruder, from ruining their village.

So he took out his cape wich says '4th Hokage' in the back he kisses his families forheads and sushined away, to find the intruder.

"Oh? So you are fast as a lightning like in the rumor" someone mysteriously, minato turned around, to see, the excact same intruder, who killed the nurse.

"Who are you?, and what do you want from us?" Minaato asked the stranger.

"Oh, it's simple, i want to destroy this wrecked village!" The stranger man in a mask replied honestly, with an evil smile behind his mask.

"Why?" Asked minato, again. "'s none of you're business hokage." Madara said coldly, as he attacked minato, with kunai.

Minato quickly dodged as he attacked, him with his kunai too, but it only goes through him, shocking him.

'What type of jutsu is that?' Thought minato, 'surely he couldn't beat me' the masked man thought, as he lughed evily to himself.

'If this doesn't work, then maybe' minato then attacked him with a kunai again, this action made madara laughed.

"Ha! I thought you alredy know that this wouldn't work, such a stupid boy" as what madar expected, the kunai went through him, but what he didn't know, that the kunai actually has a seal created that minato created.

Minato then quickly made a rassengan and jumped up, to push the sharingan into the enemy's back, hitting him.

"..!" Madara did not expected this and got hit, he winced to the pain, and limpingly stood up, feeling heavy, all around to his body.

"That was such a nice duel, but too bad my mission here, is now done" madara said as he dissapeared, through thin air.

A/N: the rest well like the kyuubi part will be like the video that was shown above.

"Are you sure you can still do it?" Asked minato to kushina. "Yes *cough*" kushina coughed out blood as she ised her kenkei genkai, that only uzumaki's can do.

Tying up the kyuubi down, who was roaring loudly, "i'm going to take the kyuubi down woth me" said kushina, as she smiled to herself.

"No, i'm going to use 'it'" saaid minato, kushina's eyes widened, and narjto who was at his fathers arm can only ask his questions to himself, 'it? What it are they talking about?.....! Don't tell me...' "but if you use that jutsu!" before naruto can recall that one detail kushina interrupted him.

"Don't worry, i will some of your remaining chakra to naruto" once again kushina's eyes widened more.

"Bit i don't want our child to cary such a heavy burden in him!" Kushina protested.

"It will be ok, they will see him as a hero, because he was one of the people who pretected the village!" Minato said, to kushina, who was thinking about it before agreeing.

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