chapter 3

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Guys the birth of naruto and the kyuubi's attack, might be not the smae as the original one so yeah!

Chapter 3

I woke up at the darkness surrounding me, i looked around and see the light that himawari-sama told me about!

I quickly headed toward there and i felt a hand on my head as i heard the scream of a woman slowly fading exchanging a heavy breathing.

I slowly opened my eyes to see a really bright light aww!" Waaa!" Huh? A baby cry? Coming from my..!

My eyes widened, was i just being borned?! The realization hitted me as i was being cleaned up by an old woman with a with towel aroundher face, covering her mouth and nose, i asume that this was a mask in this world.

3rd pov

Naruto then saw a figure coming towards them, Naruto looked at the figure getting closer and closer to him, he observes the figures movements and appearance.

The figure's gender is a male with blonde-golden like hair, that goes above his shoulders, his skin color that is not too dark nor too pale it's like somewhere in the middle, his bright blue eyes that has excitement, joy, and nervousness looking directly at him, 'woah he looks just like me!' Naruto thought as he observes the person more.

The man noticed a certain two small eyes looking at him with curiousity, he looked back at where the stares belonged to, and it turns out that it was his new born son!

Happily he tries to hold hold the child, but a wrinkled hand slapped his hands when he tried to hold his first son, pouting he looked at the old lady who carried his child but only to be greeted back with a glare the woman opened his mouth to speak to the father and scoldingly said "the mother should hold the baby first, since they are the ones who gave birth 4th hokaga-sama" said the woman holding naruto.

When the nurse almost reached the womans bed, someone assassinated her, the father tried to grab their newborn child but it was no use, as someone have already grabbed him.

Naruto pov.

I felt scared when the nurse died while she carried me, but i can't help but to feel....familiar with this...hmm...where did i- !!! Wait isn't this the 4th hokage's past when they showed the hokage's lifes when they're still alive?!

I then felt a hand around my body, i looked up to the person who held me..and yep i was right, but isn't this daddy madara?!!? DLBIANFKVIOSJFNCKDKSNKFIFKCJSLGK NOTICE ME SENPAIII!!!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKCBCKAKBGKXJFBGUFJ!!!!!

"awababa!" I unconsciously giggled while swaying my baby dumpling arms to my daddayyyyyyyyy ahem- i mean madara.

Author pov.

Madara and the parents looked at naruto, who was smiling and giggling raising his arms to the intruder.

"........" all of the people who were present, were all speechless as the intruder looked down to naruto, who was smiling at him, his blue jeweled like eyes shined aand the aura around him glowed.

Madara even forgoted what he was here for, but that moment was changed when kushina fan girled. "EEEKKK MY SON IS THE MOST CUTEST LITTLE BEING IN THE WHOLE WORLD DATTEBANE!!!!(AND THAT'S ON PERIOD!!!!)"

"dwattebayo!(thank you mommy!)" Naruto responded back, kushina gasped as she understood her babies words cause it's their language.

"Dattebane!? (I can undrrstand my baby?!)"

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