"Dattebayo?!" You can understand me?!



While the mother and son duo was speaking they're own language, the two boys looked at them with a swirly circle in they're eyes and questionmark at the side of they're heads.

'What in the world is going on?!' The boys thought as they sweat dropped.

"Dattebaywooo.." i'm sleepy) naruto said as he yawned unconsciously cuddling against madara's chest, purring.

"Dattebane...naruto.." sleep well my child, naruto) kushina said softly, as she looked at the forgotten duo.

"Dattebane? (Oh you guys are still here?)" Kushina asked them in her language, minato looked at his wife, then his son then back at her "pardon..?"

"Oh, i forgot, you can't understand me, what i said was, you guys are still here?" Kushina repeated her words again, this time, she translated her words.

While the couples were talking, madara ignored them and looked at the sleeping boy in his arms.

'When was the last time i felt this..?' Madara thought as he carassed the small blondes cheeks wich had a whiskers like birthmark 'i don't remember...'

Secretly, the couple looked at the intruder who was holding they're son, with a sad amd peacful aura around them, secretly.

They felt pity for the intruder who held their son, cause it felt like he or she, had gone so much through, it felt like he was lost, in a greif for loosing someone they deared the most, and so much negative emotions they can feel it from the man.

The four humans, that was in the room, had a peaceful silent, until naruto opened his eyes, yawning.

He looked around and it seemed like the three was in dazed, so advantageously, he raised his arms, with great difficulties, and started playing with the mans clothes.

This action seemed to snap madara out of his thoughts and looked at naruto, who was playing with his clothes.

Remembering what he was here for, he then hesitantly 'wait why would i be hesitating?' Thought madara, this action didn't go unnoticed by the couple though, so they rose up they're gaurds.

And finally madara grabbed a fake kunai and gently press it against the blonde's neck.


"Leave you're wife, or i'll kill you're child" madara said threatening the couple, kushina then quickly made a decision and told minato

"minato leave me, and take our, child!" Minato's eyes widened and reluctantly asked his wife

"are you going to be ok?" Kushina looked at minato determiningly and said "yes i'll be fine, now hurry up!" Minato nodded, seeing that the couples made they're decision, madara made a protecting jutsu when naruto was being thrown in the air.

Naruto who was witnessing this, cried "waaaa..." hearing him cry, madara cannot help but, feel a pain in his chest as he tried to focus in his mission.

Thankfully minato catched naruto, but as soon as he did, the building exploded, only to be stabbed by a wood in his foot as he did so.

"Shh naruto it's going to be ok" minato said looking down at his son who looked at back at him, and cried more quietly.

"Waaahhh.....sniff (no! You're only going to die along with mommy! *sniff* i..i don't want that)" cried naruto in his mind.

"We better get out of here, kushina, please, be safe" with that minato dissapeared within a thin air.

Meanwhile inside, kushina was been taken away from naruto's birth place and into a lake.

"W-what do you want from us dattebane?!(you mf stupid, b-tch, you're mother must be in the heaven right now hoeng i mean crying because you are like this! You madara looking like villager in minecraft that always say hn!!!!)"

'Why do i feel offended? Ugh never mind, i should get the kyuubi out of this woman' thought of madara as he activated, his sharingan, to control the kyuubi and yeeted him out of the womans cell.

"Huff, there, naruto baby please stay here while i'll get you're mother" minato said to his son before sushinning away.

"Wuuuuu....." naruto cried as he felt asleep, and into the dreamland.

To be continued.
1294 words


Hi guys!i hope you enjoyed this chapter, amd have a good day!/afternoon!/night!

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