The hospital

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I woke up in a hospital. The animatronic suits were still stuck on my limbs. I looked around to see nurses, but no ninja.

"Where are the ninja?" I questioned with what little strength i had.

"They have been taken in for questioning." one of the nurses told me.

"Questioning on what?" I asked, ready to defend them.

"On why they did this to you." Another nurse said, pointing at the suits peices on me.

"They didn't do it to me! The animatronics at Freddy Fuzbears did!" I yelled at them. The nurses shook their heads at me

"Don't lie little girl. They cant hurt you here."

"I'm not lying! They saved me! The robots did it! They would never hurt me!" I yelled at them.

"You wouldn't know, you were knocked out" One nurse protested.

"I had to be conscious before I passed out" I argued. Then I saw all the ninja walk in the room.

"Jade! Your OK!" Cole cheered.

"I am not OK, these nurses say yall did this to me. And i'm still stuck in these things" I said nodding to the suits on me.

"We will have to make you sleep to get them off." A nurse told me. Then they gave me a shot and I fell asleep.


When I woke up, There were no suits on me. The nurses were gone and the ninja were sitting in chairs across from my bed.

"Are yall going to be in trouble." I asked.

"No, apparently many people have disappeared there and have yet to be found. well, since we got you out alive, they are checking inside the suits and are finding a lot of bodys that have disappeared." Cole answered.

"Wow. Were we the first groop to survive all five nights?" I asked.

"Appearently" Lloyd replied. Then Sensi and Nya walked into the room.

"Uh... Hi" I said.

"Well, I guess we cant train our new ninja." Sensei said, nodding to the casts on my arms and legs.

"I wonder if I could get the casts in purple?" I thought out loud. Everybody laughed. Even Jay.

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