Preference #6

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The kind of student who sticks with his friend group unless put into a situation where he needs to talk to other people then he will but usually lost in thoughts. Good student overall. Usually hags with Tommy, Wilbur, Phil and Tubbo, and Ranboo if they show up. 







The quiet, all A's student. Likes helping out the teachers. All the teachers ask him to help if there are any technical difficulties. Hangs with Ponk, Bad, Foolish, Boomer, or Punz.







The chaotic student of the class, has good grades but is VERY chaotic, Pulls pranks on other teachers and students with Sap. Hangs with Sam, or Sap most of the time.






Wilbur Soot:

The musical kid. No questions asked. Has decent grades because he needs them to stay in musical. Hangs with S.B.I (Tommy, Phil Techno.) and sometimes with Ranboo and Quackity or Niki.






Niki Nihachu:

The quiet shy kid. Who stays behind to help the teachers clean up a bit. The S.B.I boys are protective over her and Minx and Puffy. If you even dare to look at her the wrong way, Minx and Puffy will hunt you down before the S.B.I even know about it then the S.B.I will come after you. Do. Not. Bully. Niki. Hangs with Minx, Puffy, and the S.B.I sometimes.



My World. (D.S.M.P Headcanons, One-shots, Preferences.)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang