Touching and wholesome is what they call me

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This is a mute Peter Parker AU oneshot. Please no hate to this fanfiction. If so go write it down somewhere to yourself. I don't want any hate comments on here. U_U

Third Person POV

Peter lays in bed, wondering where it all went wrong, well I can say it is when one of his dearest friends turned out Homo. Yep, Peter is gay and, that friend is Ned. Peter never liked Ned as more than a friend, so you might be wondering, how did he know he was gay? Welp he has this bully, Flash. Peter likes him, but also doesn't. When Flash hurts Peter, well Peter feels like his heart is going to explode. He feels... unexcepted, I guess?

Peter was woken out of his thoughts as he opens his eyes to see May. "Hey, Pete. Are you okay, I heard what happened today at school... I am always here you know." May smiles and Peter wraps his arms around her. Pete is mute. He recently had a surgery on his voicebox and had to get it removed. So now, he can't talk. He has taken ASL lessons around when he started 5th grade, he has been knowing about his voice for that long and it finally happened.

People though of Peter as a quiet kid, but the truth is that he didn't want to waste his voice, because he would ware it out before he got in Highschool. Now here he is voiceless, forever. How will people think of him? They would probably gossip about him, knowing he can't defend themselves.

Peter is now taking therapy in coping with the surgery. The only people he has left is MJ, and aunt May.

Peter Nods at May as he let's go. He sits down on his bed with knee's to his chest. Peter picks up his teddy bear he got from uncle Ben, before he died and hugged it tight as he started to cry, May Rubbed his back and kissed his brown honey curls and left after telling him goodnight.

May had known not to get involved because before he lost his voice, everytime he cried he would always want to be alone. But this time Peter wasn't sure about what he wanted. He just lost his voice, and he knows he will never speak again.

Peter cried himself to sleep, he could remember that last time he cried. It was when he found out the news on his voicebox, but that was after Ben died. Peter didn't cry when Ned turned out Homo, he just stood there, on the roof of the school, shocked, Ned smirked at seeing his ex bestfriend, standing there. Shocked. The thought of it kept him shivering and crying even more. But the worst thing is that nobody could here his wimmpers. Peter thought of the one thing that could make the pain stop.... cutting.

Peter got out of bed silently and walked to his bathroom, he oppened the drawer to find a bloodied knife. He held it to his thigh and started to cut. If he cut his wrists May, and some people would get sus about him, and try to investigate. And he didn't want that to happen.

After Peter finished he put disinfecting spray on it, so it wouldn't get infected, and he wrapped it up with bandages. All of a sudden he heard the sound of a gun and he jummped and flinched at it. Peter looked out the window to see May, hurt and on the ground. He ran outside, and helped May up and get back into the house.

He sat her on the couch and went upstairs to fetch the first aid kit. Peter comes back with a Med-kit and Bandages her up. When he finishes, he cuddles with May on the couch.

Peter phone goes off with a text. It was Flash, 'I don't remember giving him my number.' Peter thought. May was asleep with ther head on Peter's leg's. 'Ow!' he thought.

(Bold is Peter and this is Flash)

Hey Penis
I heard what happened.

Oh... um

I hope your aunt is okay, she is hurt
and I wanna know if she is hurt

'Good, he doesn't know about that.'

Peter Parker OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now