Chapter 1

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Xuin's pov

I just got to training to find Master Krell talking to Knight Skywalker. I had my cloak on so the bruises weren't visible as Krell hates the idea of people knowing what he does to me. He may be respected by other jedi but he's nothing more than a cruel, cold-hearted spawn of the Sith in my opinion.

"Master Krell, you summoned me?" I said "I did, because today you are duelling Padawan Ahsoka Tano," he replied and I saw a beautiful togruta girl coming into the room. "I see you like coming in at the right moment?" I joked despite the glare from Krell "I like to make an entrance, so are we gonna duel or what?" She replied. I nodded and we both got in a readied position. "Begin," Krell ordered. I activated my lightsaber whilst Ahsoka activated two lightsabers and we began duelling. My cloak got in the way a bit but I'm used to it. I soon managed to get one lightsaber out of her hands, the right to be specific, and began using it. Ahsoka slashed her lightsaber around but I managed to block each one until I kicked her stomach which got her onto the ground, I put a foot on her and put one lightsaber to her neck. "I... yield," she said and I helped her up. I returned her lightsaber and smiled.

Our masters were called to the war room so Ahsoka and I began talking. "So what's it like having Skywalker as your master?" I asked "he treats me like a youngling sometimes, what about you with Krell?" Ahsoka replied as we walked through the halls "he's... a good master, although it's a similar thing to what you said," I stated. I saw her smile out of the corner of my eye and I returned one although she likely couldn't see it. "So where are you from?" She blurted out "I- I'd rather not talk about it. Krell tells me that my heritage is one that is excessively violent without cause," I replied. We soon found ourselves inside the jedi archives and both got a book.

We sat down at a table opposite each other began reading. "So, what are you reading about?" I asked "I am reading about jedi force abilities. You?" "I'm reading about the force as a whole," and with that we continued reading in silence. "Hey listen to this! Did you know that jedi are able to use a type of force lightning called force 'judgement'? Apparently the jedi council banned it but Master Plo is able to use it! How cool is that?" Ahsoka said breaking the peaceful silence "pretty cool, what if we ask him about it some time? Maybe we could even secretly learn it?" I suggested "no to the second thing, but yeah we could ask him," she replied, we both quietly giggled looking into each other's eyes. "You have glowing purple eyes, that's cool," she said "and you have blue eyes, they're pretty," I replied with a slight smirk. I noticed the blue on her montails (I think they're called that) became more vibrant, which (I think) is the togruta version of blushing. "Wanna get something to eat?" I asked "sure, here or are we eating out?" Ahsoka replied "I know a diner," I said as we stood up and left.

As we were walking I noticed people were eying up Ahsoka. I did my best to ignore it but still got pissed off. "Hey beautiful," one guy said walking up to Ahsoka from behind putting a hand on her ass, I punched the guy in the face but he didn't back off "hey what's with that? I just love togruta fanny as much as any other right minded guy," he said giving Ahsoka a flirtatious look "you should know-" I was cut off by Ahsoka pulling out one of her lightsabers and putting it to the guy's neck. "Give me a reason not to kill you right now," Ahsoka practically snarled. I put a hand on her shoulder and she looked at me with an aggressive look on her face, "what?!" She yelled "it's not the jedi way," I said calmly but she didn't stop "you aren't the one who's original life purpose was to be a sex slave," Ahsoka snarled "you're right, it was the complete opposite but that doesn't change the fact it's not the jedi way, please don't kill him," I replied. She nodded and deactivated her lightsaber but before the guy could run off I got out my blaster and put it to the guy's chest "but that doesn't change it from being the mandalorian way," I whispered in his ear and fired.

We walked to the diner I was talking about in an uncomfortable silence. I opened the door and we entered. "Hello! Hello! Hello! What can I get you both?!" The owner exclaimed "a pizza please," I replied and we sat down. "Why did you kill that guy when you told me not to kill him?" Ahsoka asked and I looked into her eyes again "part of my religion, I don't want to change just because the order doesn't approve," I explained, she nodded and the pizza came. "That was fast," Ahsoka stated "that's part of why it's good," I replied and we began eating. I ate without looking at the food once and instead staring into Ahsoka's eyes and she did the same to me. We suddenly heard a noise and looked to see two people with blasters robbing the place. Ahsoka and I looked at each other in shock before looking back. I stood up and walked over with my blaster in hand, "why don't you two show some respect and leave?" I said getting their attention "oh look, the freaky brat thinks he can stop us," one of them taunted so I shot him in the chest, killing him instantly, "you gonna leave?" I asked and the guy ran off. Ahsoka and I finished our meal and left.

Ahsoka decided to take me to a bar and when we got there I noticed that it's actually... a strip club. "Why are we here?" I asked "because I thought you might enjoy it," Ahsola replied as a twi'lek woman walked over, "hello there handsome, here to have some fun?" She asked in a sexy voice and slowly wrapping her arms around the back of my neck "I-" "yes, he wants be shown a good time," Ahsoka said interrupting me. I was taken to a back room and... I think traumatised is the right word to describe what happened to me.

When Ahsoka and I got back to the temple I knew she was holding back a laugh. "Haha very funny, so did you have a good time?" I asked "yeah I did, other than being hit on by the guy you killed, it was a lot of fun. A mandalorian guy came up to me in the club and showed me a good time," Ahsoka replied "a mandalorian huh? They are known for being good in bed," I stated earning a laugh. We went our separate ways and I went to bed for the night.

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