The two girls blinked their eyes in shock. "Holy crap! That's a lot more than I got working as a shelf stocker!" Rose said shocked

"And how the hell do you get paid that much?!" Riya said stunned

"Well, this company is owned by someone that I know who is pretty rich in their own right." Ivy said with a shrug

"Damn!" Rose and Riya said in unison

"Now girls, the project I was supposed to do with Maria and Tira before they back stabbed the hell outta me is doing duets together before doing our own solos. Riya since you're a siren just like myself. Don't be worried about singing solo, I don't know if you were told this or not. But as long as you have music to back your voice up you can sing solo."

Riya shook her head no. "I wasn't ever told that."

"Well now you have been. I look forward to hearing the two of you sing." Ivy said happily

"We look forward to working with you ivy!" They said happily

Ivy first had them listen to the songs she had recorded days before before having them voice over the lyrics that Maria and Tira had sung with their own voice. Riya voiced over Maria and Rose voiced over Tira.

After five hours they were given a break for food and the lot of them ate together. Ivy at that point took the time to get to know the males that had come with Riya and Rose. She was stunned to see that Rose only had Subaru.

"So, Rose, you only have one male. You're the first one I've seen that has only one male."

Rose's ears went down. "Uhm...there...there was another."

Ivy's eyes widened. "Really now, who?"

Rose looked down as Subaru stabbed his food and looked at Ivy. "That bastard named Bakugo Katsuki! He tried to kill her when she was asleep, if it hadn't been for me being there she would have died. Since he tried to kill her more than once he was detained."

Ivy's eyes widened in shock. "Oh shit...That..That's seriously bad. Rose dear, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Subaru, that was rather kind of you to protect Rose."

Subaru averted his eyes as he sighed out. "I care about her, so of course I'd protect her. I don't give a damn who I have to beat the shit out of. No one hurts Rose."

"I'm glad you have that mentality Subaru, you're going to need that, she's going to have a lot of fans soon. You're going to need to protect her with all you got kid." Ivy said before she looked at Denki and Laito. "And you two, you will have your work cut out for you that's for sure. With Riya being a siren like myself, there will be people that will automatically see the beauty and charm she has and want her for themselves."

Laito stopped eating as he heard Ivy speak. "And I'm guessing you know this from experience."

Ivy nodded her head. "When I first began working as an idol, I had to have Elias and Joel-my royal guards watch over me constantly because people would try to kidnap me from venues and stuff because they 'fell in love' with me, when in reality they were infatuated with the thought of me."

Hearing Ivy speak Kou and Keigo both placed a hand on either one of her thighs to let her know that they weren't letting her go anywhere without them. She knew that they were more than possessive of her and it was amusing to see just how possessive the two of them got around her, hearing about her past. Denki leaned against the table as he looked at Ivy. "So, how can we keep Riya safe then?"

"Well for starters, when Riya, Rose and I go on our first interview tomorrow you two boys will have no choice but to be behind her as I will have Keigo and Kou behind me and Rose will have Subaru behind her. You and Laito will have to subtly show that you two aren't taking shit from no one. Cause I know damn well that Laito gets rather jealous quickly, so he won't put up for anyone's shit."

Laito let out a small chuckle. "You are well versed in how I am, I'm impressed."

"Don't flatter yourself fedora boy, keep that shit for when Riya turns nineteen."

Denki and Laito both looked at her confused. "What are you talking about?" They said in unison

Kou then spoke up. "At the age of nineteen you're going to have to be in control of the sex drive Riya has."

"It may start off small one day but if it goes unchecked it will get out of control." Keigo commented

"Call my ass out, why don't cha boys?"

"We love you, but you need to be better at expressing yourself sweetheart." Kou said with a sigh

"No joke with that. I'm surprised that one day of that kept you calm enough to work today." Keigo stated shaking his head

[1] 1 pon = $70 USD

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