"Could you two stop fighting for a second and come with me?!" Eli said frantically, grabbing Hitoshi again before she continued her trek. 

She was currently making the decision of who to go to. 

Hizashi, Shouta, or Nezu. 

"You know when you mentioned us possible being a trio, I'd take that Mezo guy over this any day," Hitoshi said with a side-eye glare at Bakugo as he allowed himself to be dragged. 

Eli could only roll her eyes before she impulsively decided to Nezu, figuring he probably had the best theories. 

Not to mention the fact that she realized she didn't get to ask any of her questions this morning. 

"What you think I'm no good enough for your shit group now?!" Bakugo yelled at Hitoshi, who only stared at him blankly. 

"That's exactly what I'm saying," Hitoshi shot back. 

Bakugo growled, yanking his hand away from Eli, Hitoshi not hesitating to do the same. Angry purple eyes stared down Bakugo, who could only hold his ground as his pride wouldn't allow anything else. 

"You're about to be one sorry ass extra if you don't shut your mouth," Bakugo threatened, pointing a threatening finger at Hitoshi, who only smirked. 

"Oh I'm sorry what?" he said quickly. 

"I said-" Bakugo tried, only to find himself in a blank trance, falling for his brainwashing technique. 

"That's what I thought," Hitoshi said with a glare, turning to look at a completely, done Eli who shook her head and sigh. 

"Hito!" Eli said. 

"What, he's annoying," Hitoshi said with a shrug as he folded his arms. 

"Look, I'm going to explain this to you, very slowly, and we're going to see if we can connect the dots," Eli began pulling a notebook and pen out of her bag, flipping to a random empty page and turning it horizontally. 

"Fine," Hitoshi replied with a huff. 

"I have a Quirk that requires me to not lose my temper," Eli started, drawing a weird stick figure with a circle around it to represent herself. Hitoshi quirked an eyebrow up at the demonstration but followed along with a nod. 

"I just found out that this motherfucker, is my nephew," Eli continued, drawing a random arrow towards a still frozen Bakugo. 

"Okay?" Hitoshi followed around, not really understanding what she was getting at. 

"This particular individual has a terrible temper, and to make matters worse, an explosion Quirk," Eli went on. 

"Eli, can you just get to the fucking point already?" Hitoshi said exasperated. 

Eli huffed, glaring softly, her nails growing a bit unintentionally, but she couldn't pay attention to that right now 

"What's I'm saying is that we are supposed to be blood-related right? He has anger issues, my Quirk gives me anger issues, he claims that my Quirk, that gives me anger issues, messed with his, my Quirk that came out of fucking nowhere when I popped out the ceiling 200 years in the future in a classroom full of kids with superpowers!" Eli said waving her hands in the air.

Hitoshi's eyes widened with everything she said, his hand finding his mouth as he processed the information (that was kind of everywhere). He nodded a bit, grabbing her hand. 

"Okay, you're on to something."

With that, she grabbed Bakugo's wrist and dragged his 'out of it' body towards the Principal's office, shaking him out of his trance-like state rather quickly. 

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