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3rd POV:

The scene opens to a large field covered by a swarm of strawberry bushes accompanied by various weapons of different shapes and sizes. Within the field are three visible figures, two tall in nature and another short in size. The three figures seem to be searching for something but the smallest of the three appears to be distracted, looking at the device in his hands taking photos of the awe filled view in front of him.

"Steven! Can you focus on searching your area? We need to make sure this place is safe while we look for Peridot.", a pale white feminine figure had spoken in a worried yet commanding tone.

"Sorry Pearl! I forgot to take photos last time and Connie wanted to see this place. I'll get back to- ow!", Steven was quickly cut off when his foot had hit something metallic creating a knowing clang of metal.

Looking down at the object Steven had kicked it was definitely not made by Gems, it looked like some sort of helmet with a black screen just above the brow. The 'helmet' was pointed in design with each piece only being connected by small strands of metal. Around the helmet were similar pieces of metal larger and sharper than others.

"Uhh guys I think I found something", Steven called over to the others.

While the two were making their way to the boy, the helmet seemed to have activated the screen now showing three layered (f/c) rings to create a singular glowing eye. Looking around its environment it slowly began to transform into a spider like creature with each pointed part of the crown becoming a leg. The (f/c) eye focused on the device in Steven's hand.

The largest of the Gems reacted just in time before the creature pounced at Steven pulling him away and swatting it but causing him to drop his phone in the process.

The creature dazed by the attack jumped again, however, this time it had made contact with its target... Steven's phone. Once contact was made a glowing orb of (f/c) energy had erupted around the creature with stray bolts of lightning hitting the ground around it. The similar pieces of pointed metal began shooting towards the orb creating what seemed to be a body.

Once the process was complete a large male figure stood in the place of the creature it had pitch black skin with the metal layers over some parts like armour all the sharp ends pointing behind it. There was still a large orb of (f/c) energy as radiant as the sun in the centre of its chest, some smaller pieces of metal were floating behind its back with bolts of the same energy coursing through them. The eyes held the same three rings as the eye in the centre of the crown all moving in unison surrounded by black sclera. The Crystal gems looked up to the beings face as he looked down on the three of them, his piercing gaze with the three rings for the eyes petrifying the two tall gems.

A/n: Just change out the colour but this is what you look like

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A/n: Just change out the colour but this is what you look like. Pic isn't mine duh.

Steven on the other hand had a face of awe with stars in his eyes looking at the male figure in front of them. Still being held by Garnet he wiggled out of her grasp and made his way to the being. The gems were still frozen in unknown fear preventing them from stopping the young boy, Pearl's eyes were as wide as dinner plates mouth open in shock, Garnet's reaction was more of a surprise her usual emotionless state was overtaken by a shivering and shaken mess of fear.

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