Issue #40: The Kiss

Start from the beginning

"Oi! You were about ta do it in front ovda lil one, too!? No shame on you buggers is there!?" Boomerang said pointing at Sebastian that was sitting on the bed next to us.

"You were supposed to be outside to let me know if there were any guards to kick me out!" Cleo told Sebastian.

"Yeah, he's right here! Get a move on you fucking freaks!" Said the guard. He pushed Boomerang to a bed. "You! Wait for the nurse and shut the fuck up!"

"Nurse? It's the leggy broad, innit? Please tell me it's the leggy broad! She can't resist the natural charisma of Ole Digger!"

"I told you to shut the fuck up!"

"I think we should go." I whispered to Cleo. I helped her up and we walked out of the room, holding hands. "...So, are we gonna, y'know talk about that?"

"What is there to say? Unless this is the part where you say it was just the heat of the moment and we should just stay friends..." Cleo said before she stopped and looked at me with a horrified look.

"No, I'm not gonna say that! God no! It had nothing to do with the heat of the moment!"

"So... would you wanna do that again?"

"Maybe after I get over the thought of Boomerang almost watching me grab your boob." I said before being the one to stop this time. Was it okay for me to-

"Yes I give you consent to touch me like that I thought the moaning was an obvious I consent." She said laughing her way through the second part of the sentence like she was embarrassed to admit she moaned. "But I guess I do have to ask... am I actually... your girlfriend now? And what does dating in prison even mean?" I looked at her and kissed her one more time.  She pulled herself closer to me holding onto my shirt and I moved forward almost pinning her against the wall as I put one hand on the wall. This one wasn't as passionate as the second one on the count of the turn off being walked in on by Captain Boomerang and being reminded that we were potentially doing it next to a man I killed, but things did start to heat up just before I let go.

"Yeah, you're my girl...friend. You're my best friend. You're my closest friend. You're my friend." I admitted. Cleo had a giant smile on her face and it looked like she was about to cry.

"I'm you friend?" She asked almost happier I said that more than she was about being my girlfriend. I nodded. "I think this is the happiest moment of my life."

"(L,N)! Cazo! What are you doing out of your cells!? Back to Block A immediately!" We turned around and saw a guard with Harley. She had a straight jacket on and she looked at us like she just found out Santa wasn't real.

"Alright, alright, we're going!" I said before looking at Harley. "Hey, Harley."

"Heya." She said. Her smile looked forced but I digressed.

"What's up with the straight jacket?" I asked her.

"We found her with you unconscious earlier." The guard's partner said. The five of us were walking down to block A. "She was detained and sent to solitary, and Dent is getting back from lunch. The last thing we need is another incident between the two so we're moving her to the other side of the prison."

"Wait she wasn't the one who cut my face open." I said.

"What?" One of the guards said before they looked at Harley angrily. "Why did you say you were the one who did it!?" Harley looked at me upset for a little longer before closing her eyes for a second and putting on the signature Harley Quinn smile.

"Wait I didn't do it? Coulda swore I did. Must've gotten mixed up with one of the voices in my head! Whoopsie daisies!" She said. Now this was interesting. She talked a lot more like an airhead or "Old Harley" then she did when talking to The Ghost and I earlier. Something was up. The guards quickly ripped off her jacket.

"Careful with her. You have a tendency to hurt people when taking those things off." I said speaking from experience.

"Which one of the crazies was it!?" The guard asked me.

"I don't remember really. The last few hours are a blur but I distinctly remember it not being Harley." I lied. I didn't want Jane getting in trouble for Hammerhead's misdeeds. Besides her jail sentence could only get so long from battering the guards before they just blew her head off. We walked back to our cells in silence from then on with the guards occasionally telling us to pick up the pace. When we got to the cells, Deadshot was leaning against the wall staring coldly out at the outside world. Harley skipped into her cell and as the door closed she seemed to angrily scream.

"What's going on with her?" Cleo asked.

"I don't know. But I'll figure it out. I think I owe her." I said. After I did Cleo yawned. "You tired?"

"Yeah... I think the stress of you being immediately sent to intensive care again has worn off. And the adrenaline from the kiss is gone too. I can go back to catching up on my sleep."

"Catching up? What did you miss an hour or two?" I joked. Cleo's face became a little nervous.

"Don't be mad."

"Mad about what?"

"I... I didn't sleep once the entire time we were both in the hospital wing together."

"You what!?"

"I couldn't, I was too worried about you! I didn't sleep for those four days until I was back in my cell once they kicked me out." She explained. "I'm sorry I-" She began to say before I cupped her chin to point her head upward and kissed her again. She immediately stopped talking.

"Hey! In the cell you animals!" One of the guards yelled at us stopping it from getting too intimate.

"If sorry is your trigger word I'll apologize more often." Cleo said with a goofy smile and fanning herself with her good hand.

"You don't gotta apologize for being perfect."

"I-I-I-" She stammered. She was blushing immensely. "When did you get so romantic?"

"I think I found something I've been looking for for a long time just now. But anyways that was a good night kiss. I'll see you when you get up. I also have some things I want to tell you when you wake up too." I told her.

"Yeah, okay." She said with a faint giggle. She was totally on cloud 9. We walked into our cells and I sat in it for the first time in ages. I waited around for a few minutes waiting to hear a cackle or something about how Cleo really thinks I'm a monster but nothing came to me. In fact my mind hadn't felt clearer in years. It felt like The Ghost might actually have been gone. Which lead me to think about one thing...

Did Boomerang just admit to having sex next to a corpse?

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