Chapter 3: Spying

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/|\POV Powder
/|\AGE 13

It's been about a few weeks ever since Izuku had joined our little family we had and he's been rather distant

Mind I always knew where he left to everyday however that was because I followed him to this little hideout he has where he would workout quite a lot barely ever taking a rest

Which was probably wrong but it was amazing how he could go pretty much all day with barely no breaks to work out I mean Vi can barely do a few hours

The only times I couldn't watch was when I was doing missions with Vi, Claggor, and Mylo - Izuku usually also didn't want really to take part in them something about having something better to do

His training always did look... intense whenever he did do it.. he looks like he's about to collapse

At least that's what it looked like until he caught sight of me and I ducked out of dodge back up some stairs to hide

I really hope he doesn't find me in the building.. he probably won't like that I've been watching him train..

/|\POV Izuku
/|\AGE 14

I had been training for the last couple of weeks here in the lanes as I learned it to be working out thoroughly and I felt my energy really disappear like I could sleep now and be up 3 weeks later

That was until I caught sight of blue hair - very recogniseable blue hair by the amount of times I'd seen it disturbing me by spying on my training which disappeared swiftly up the stairs whom quickly, so landing my last punch decided to see what's up with all the spying, and grabbed the water bottle I had

It was green with a little bit of black and blue in it it wasn't anything to fancy but it was good to go for me as it had a lid, it held water, and it's just my colour

So making my way up the stairs with a towel hanging round my neck, with the perfect workout gear, on sweating I made my way upstairs

I looked around for pretty much any signs of life before I heard scurrying around on the floor I was on as well as squeaky hinges and creaking floorboards, and that's not even mentioning the loud but somewhat quiet footsteps

So I made my way towards the direction most sound came from which soon lead me to some sort of storage cupboard which seemingly held equipment for a while before the place got abandoned

I heard whispering from inside the cupboard I'd say maybe female, young bout my age, scared? As well and god knows what else so slowly opening the cupboard

I saw uhh fuck.. uhh the blue haired one at the introductions - she had that odd name mentally snapping my fingers at myself

Me: hey, what're you doing here

She had wide eyes which were clearly eyes of someone scared... like.. anyways uhh name.. what's her name again..

???: I-I-I-

I probably scare her quite a bit maybe I should lighten up a bit when I get back instead of being a gloom and doom - POWDER! That's her name!

Me: Powder, it's alright I'm not mad I just want to know why?

She calmed a little bit though she seemed to be.. ashamed? almost.. maybe?

Powder: I-.. I was just a little curious on what you did every time you disappear

I suppose that's fair granted I did disappear and work to the bone until I go back for about 3-6 hours

Me: hey hey, it's okay

She seemed to calm down ever so slightly for me and began to speak more calmed and thorough

Powder: is.. this what you meant..

I looked at her oddly as I sat next to the cupboard she continued to sit in, while I sat there quietly unsure of how to answer that

Powder: I mean instead of doing missions.. you come here.. is this what you meant by having "something better to do"..

I looked at the ceiling and thought about it, is it really something better to do.. training till I drop from the moment I get here till the moment I leave

Me: No.. I don't think it is though it was what I had been referring too

She looked at me as I simply looked back down at her and rubbed her hair and left a hand held out

Me: come on then, let's get you outta there

I smiled at her as she took my hand and started to come out of the cupboard and stand up on her feet

Powder: soo does that mean your coming on the next one - next mission that is

I thought for second before nodding and going back down stairs as she following closely behind me

Me: yea sure I'll join, you go tell Vi that

She seemed to be skipping as we went down to the room I use for my workout and put my towel and drink down and she starts to sit down to watch again

I got back to my workout as she seemed to watch me workout as much as I could till I go back beating the fuck out of the punching bag, jumping jacks, quick sprints, long sprints, and so on

Powder: think you could help me?

I had already started to stop and begin to make my way out of the building and drank the rest of the bottle and wiped away some sweat with the towel

Me: help you? With what?

She continued to walk with me back home back with the rest of the crew Vander, Vi, Mylo, Claggor

Powder: you know! I want to get strong and help the others on missions!

She looks so pure like I was for while before... that..incident.. I will do it.. nothing else matters much I will have my revenge

Me: yea.. I'll give you a hand alright I'll do it but there'll be some rules in place for that alright I'll make them up soon alright?

She quickly hugged me as I stumbled back a tiny bit startled before I slowly wrapped my arms round her and gave her a hug back

Powder: Alright!

She sped off into some unknown corner of the building I wouldn't know much of before I picked up a bin bag full of rubbish and took it out when I seen Vi, I tossed it into the bin before she started to talk to me for perhaps one of the rare times this entire time I've been here

Vi: uhh hey do you know where Powder is?

I looked at her somewhat amused but I guess it's natural

Me: oh yea, a few things she just got back, she wants to start training with me so I'll be taking her for so long, and I'll be joining on the next mission

I must've looked like some sort of alien or said something completely abnormal and crazy for her to be looking at me like that

Vi: what's with the change of heart?

I started looking into the sky looking at the clouds in bright blue sky

Me: I.. don't really know.. just feel like doing more

She nodded probably not really understanding but I never did expect her too even if I knew myself

Vi: so she's warmed ya up?

I nodded seeing her disappear into the building thinking about what the next job could be for

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