(17) Hosting Hostages

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Anna recognized that suit - the same one she had first seen fighting against the rangers during their first encounter. The purple and silver suit seemed fresh in her mind, like it was the first time she had ever seen it. They gripped her arm tightly as she came face to face with the one she had been trying to desperately avoid this entire time.

The experience felt similar to how Amelia and Javi had teleported her a couple days prior. Only this time - she felt exhausted afterwards, like it had drawn on all of her energy just to get her there. She really didn't remember the in betweens or anything else. She just knew that when she opened her eyes, her hands were tied behind her back in rope and she had a splitting headache.

Anna looked around, trying to figure out where she was - or why she had suddenly felt like she lost track of time. The room was dark... almost pitch black and all she could really see was a little light shining underneath a door. She tugged at the ropes, trying to free her hands from it - but it was no use. It only made the rope tighter.

Don't scream. Don't scream. Anna don't scream.

Panic washed over her and it took every last ounce of control in her to refrain from screaming out. Screaming would draw attention. Attention she didn't want. She swallowed hard, unsure of what was going on. She was supposed to be meeting Javi and he saw that she wasn't there, he knew something would be up. All of them would - Anna was very routine oriented and when she said she was going to do something, she always followed through.

She just hoped that the others would hurry and come to her defense. She didn't stick around too long and find out what was going to happen.

Her heart beated against her chest and she had the least bit of clue what to do. She didn't know how to help herself without getting into more trouble. Void Knight wanted something and nobody knew what it was. She wondered why he was coming after her - and she didn't exactly want to know the answer either. Whatever he was planning to do with her, it was never going to happen. She knew the rangers would save her.

She breathed heavily as she saw a pair of feet block the light that was coming from underneath the door. They stopped just outside the door and she prepared herself to face whoever was bound to come barging in.

Javi and the others are going to find you, Anna. They're going to find you.

The being on the other side of the door finally pushed it open and a faint dim light illuminated the room as they crept towards her. She looked up at them with a horrified glance. They knelt down before her, eyeing her without saying a word. She kept her own mouth shut but swallowed hard when they reached up and gently touched her face. She was confused at the gesture. He was a monster - he should be hurting her, but instead he was staring at her in a way that didn't feel the slightest bit intimidating.

She wished she could see the face behind the mask - ask them what they wanted with her, but they left just as quickly as they came. Anna just wanted to go home, to be safe with her friends and family but she didn't know when that time was going to come.

The rangers will find you...

That's all she kept repeating to herself. She had to hold out some kind of hope while she sat anxiously. She tried to look around the room again, yet it was still filled with darkness. There had to be a way she could get out of there - she had to think of something.

Anna pushed herself up the ground and tugged at the ropes again, feeling them glide against her skin and ignite a burning sensation. She quickly stopped, knowing she was never going to be able to get those ropes undone with them behind her back. Thankfully, that was the only part of her that they had tied up.

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