
11 2 3

It's late at night, you
are driving until you
notice a police car
following you.

"Oh, crap" you mumble

You slow down and
stop next to the road.

As the cop
approaches you, you
lower your window.

"Good day officer"
You say grabbing the
steering wheel even

"Did I drive to fast?"
"No mam,everything is
fine, may I just check your
trunk?" The officer asked.


"Please mam, I don't
have time, open the

You get nervous but
unlock the trunk.
You try to keep an eye
on him, as he walks to
the back of the car.

After some time, that
felt like ages,he walks
back to your window.
"Have a great night."

"Ufff, that was close."
You whispered to your
self, as you closed
your widow.

You looked to the
and said "Well done!"

To a lady, wich was tied
up with duck tape
stuck to her mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2022 ⏰

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