(16) Command Center

Start from the beginning

"That's Javi's girl." Ollie spoke up.

"Oh," Ayion looked at the two of them, "My bad..."

"Let's go look around the rest of the place." Izzy grabbed Anna's hand and pulled her along. Amelia followed behind and lef the boys to talk, presumably about Anna.

"That was awkward." Amelia said.

"A little bit." Anna agreed.

"I thought Javi's head was going to burst open." Izzy said.

"Was Javi jealous?" Anna asked.

"Yes." both girls answered.

"That's kind of cute." Anna blushed.

"We showed you this place," Amelia said, "Now you have to show us your treehouse."

Anna smiled, leading the girls around the statue and pointed out the treehouse up in the tree. She talked to the girls about it for a few minutes, talking about all the moments that her and Javi had had there since they cohesively agreed it was their spot.

"So, what's on the agenda for today?" Izzy asked.

"I think that we should go back to Anna's and make sure everything is perfect for you now what." Amelia suggested.

"Good idea." they agreed.

"Perfect," Anna smiled, "This gives me the chance to tell you guys about this trail we're about to walk through. This was mine and my mom's favorite spot to walk. We'd come here almost every night and walk through this patch and into the park."

"That's very sweet." they thought.

The walk back to Anna's house seemed like it took forever. Not because the day was dragging or the weather was bad, but simply because the girls took their time and laughed about everything they could think of on the walk home.

The air was blowing at a comfortable pace, the heat was raging down through the bare sky, but the girls were happy. It had been such a long time where Anna felt a moment of pure happiness and she was going to suck in every moment of it that she could. Friends had always been hard for her to make, but with them - everything seemed easy. They listened with open ears and understood with passion. They didn't treat Anna differently like many others did.

Not when she skipped over the cracks, or had to walk on the grass, or an even amount of sidewalk spaces... not even when she had to repeat the same task or word four or five times before it felt right. They adored her without judgement and that's all Anna ever wanted from a friend.

As they approached her house, the three of them heard a slight commotion coming from her backyard. None of them knew what the sounds were until they all went running through the house and entered the backyard. Anna's jaw dropped when she saw that all the decorations had been knocked over, broken, and ruined. Behind it all, were those annoying little pests that often ran with the Sporix Beasts.

Amelia and Izzy scared them away with ease - but not before the damage had already been done. Anna walked around the backyard, picking up the streamers and rolling them into balls to carry to the trash. Everything they had been working so hard to put together, was ruined in the matter of seconds and none of them understood why.

"Why would they do this?" Izzy asked.

"I don't know." Amelia shook her head.

Anna remained silent as she collected the decorations for the trash.

"We should call the others and let them know what's up." Izzy said.

"Are you okay Anna?" Amelia asked.

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