(9) Tremendous Tension

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"You don't have to ever ask me that." he watched her with concern in his eyes.

She stepped closer to the couch, leaning against the back of it as she bit her bottom lip, trying to find the right words to tell him how she was feeling without making him entirely worry over her. She tapped her finger against the fabric.

"You know this time-" Anna started to tell him but got cut off by Linda yelling from the other room.

"Kurt hurry up and come here please!" Linda shouted.

"Hold on Anna." Kurt stood up and walked out of the room without any hesitation.

Anna stood behind the couch, watching him walk away as heat rose to her cheeks. All Anna wanted to do was talk to him about how she was feeling so that someone could help her through it while it consumed her, but just like the other morning when she tried to interact with them Linda interrupted and he came to her beck and call with no hesitation whatsoever.

This angered Anna and her first instinct was to leave the situation entirely before she imploded her new forming thoughts onto her dad and Linda. Her feet led her right to the front door and out to the porch. She slammed the door behind her, not bothering to tell a soul where she was going. Staying in the house with as angry as she was was simply just not a good idea and she knew she'd eventually have to explain that to Kurt and Linda, but not until she was calm enough to talk to them without freaking out.

She ran down the sidewalk, breathing heavily as she reached her trail. Going to the treehouse was her plan to blow off steam. Her heart beat against her chest as she climbed the ladder and then sat down near the edge of the platform, letting her feet dangle off the edge. The railing was sturdy enough for her to lean against with her falling over as she stared out at the trees before her. The leaves were various shades of green for seconds until her vision started to blur from the tears and zoning out.

Without realizing it, she shook her leg as if she was tapping her foot against something. The thoughts of being angry and sad swirled together in her mind in a dangerous manner that she tried to stuff away. It wasn't working out too well as they fought against each other to force their way forward.

"Anna?" she ignored the familiar voice calling out to her. She didn't even want to talk to Javi right now. She wanted him to leave her alone and go away. She didn't even look down at him nor even acknowledge that he was even there.

"Anna?" he repeated, "What's wrong?"

She continued ignoring him as his voice grew closer.

"Why are you crying?" Javi questioned as he sat right down next to her and gently placed his hand down on top of the one she had gripped around a piece of the railing.

She glanced next to him, seeing that he had the same initially concerned look in his eyes that her father did when she first tried to talk to him. SHe stared at him for seconds, wondering if it was worth it to even tell him or if he'd just reject the moment like her father did.

She sighed, looking down as she rested her chin on her opposite arm that was pressed against the railing. She felt like she was silent forever while she thought about how to tell him. She never talked about the accident and she found herself wondering why she felt the urge to talk to Javi about it.

She opened her mouth, prepared to tell him but fell silent as she suddenly felt scared to talk about it at all. How was she supposed to talk about something that made her this upset? She thought that talking about it would only make her feel worse so she remained silent.

"I'm not sure what's going on," Javi lowered the tone in his voice to a comforting level, "But you're crying and I'm worried that someone or something might have hurt you."

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