Somethings Aren't Made To Last

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A/n- are ya ready kids? Aye aye captain 👍 major TW for basically this chapter on, story's climax is here, shit will hit the fan, be prepared

It's been a month since me and Romeo started secretly dating. My dad left with my stepmom and most of my siblings to visit Texas and see family, it's just been me and Lola at home for the past couple days. So like any other horny teenager left home alone for a week Romeo has also been staying here. Abby's also stopped by occasionally but she and Lola lock themselves in Lola's room to do god knows what. Vesper has stopped by a couple times too to say hey and bully Romeo. It's actually been pretty peaceful I could get used to this.
This morning, like the passed two, I woke up snuggled into Romeo's chest. My head rested over his heart and one leg tangled on top of his. He was already awake and was running his fingers through my messy bed head.
"Morning sleepyhead" a mumble came from above me and his chest vibrated as he talked.
"Mmph" was my only response as I just dug my face further into him.
"Wakey, wakey, I think Lola's making breakfast with Abby" this did get my attention and I turned to look up at him.
"Food?" He giggled under me, a genuine giggle, I don't get why. I don't think I said anything funny, I just want some fucking food.
"Yes, food, breakfast, that thing you put in your mouth to sustain you" it was now my turn to giggle.
"Oh you mean dick?" He laughed, hard enough to shake me off of him.
"You just woke up and you're already thinking about sex, are you ever not horny" I mumbled a "uhuh" and laughed again.
This was nice, waking up on the chest of someone I really liked, listening to his heartbeat as he talked. I could listen to his stupid sleepy morning voice forever, but life has a way of ripping my happiness right out of my hands.
I hear a scream, a blood curdling terrified scream from the kitchen. I jumped up and ran, thinking there must be an intruder, or maybe something caught fire. But no, it was 10 times worse. My father stood in the kitchen, holding Lola by her hair and glaring down at Abby. Shit he's not supposed to be home for another 3 days.
Romeo followed me, we were now all standing in the kitchen. Romeo and I were in our boxers and I had his shirt on. Abby and Lola were in their underwear, obviously in the middle of an act when my father caught them.
"SO NOT ONLY IS MY ONLY DAUGHTER A FUCKING QUEER BUT MY ELDEST SON TOO" I froze where I stood, I had to get Lola out of his hands and safe.
"P-please let her go dad, I'm sure your just misunderstanding, I-it was just a sleepover" he did not buy this but at least he let go of Lola, throwing her across the room. He stomped over to me and Romeo instead. He grabbed me by the shirt and let a punch go into my cheek. This is familiar, this i can handle.
"STUPID FUCKING FAGGOTS" Romeo tried to pry me out of his hands but he just pushed him off onto the floor. I gave Lola and Abby a look that I hoped conveyed "just run don't look back just go". The message was read and Abby grabbed Lola by the arm and booked it, out the front door still half naked.
"I RAISED YOU BETTER THAN THIS BOY" another punch, and then another, and another. At some point I ended up on the ground, my father on top of me hitting me repeatedly. Romeo kept trying to pull him off, each time just earning another push onto the ground. At some point my dad turned to him.
"YOU, YOU INFECTED MY SON, YOU RUINED HIM" my dad jumped off of me and onto Romeo, his hands went around his throat. I could hear Romeos sounds of struggle as my dad tried squeezing the life out of him. I pleaded and pleaded and begged.
"Please, please dad don't kill him, it's not his fault, please" I slowly got up to my knees and tried to push him off, this didn't work and I ended up splayed out on the floor again. I need another way, any other way. That's when I looked up and saw it, the knife block.
I got up on shaky legs and took the biggest knife out, I pointed it at my father.
"L-let him g-go, I-I-I can't l-let you do t-this" my father didn't even so much as look my way and I saw Romeo's eyes, clouded and rapidly losing consciousness. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. The knife I held sunk into my father back, right at his lungs. He left go and turned to me.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" but by that point my thoughts were only a blur, the knife sunk in again and again and again these times in his chest. Romeo ripped me off of him and we sat, in a puddle of my fathers blood, for what seemed like days, months, years.
At some point cops arrived, taking my fathers now cold body away, and they pulled me and Romeo out of the house. They asked us questions but I couldn't speak, just nodding and shaking my head along. They determined it was self defense from mine, Romeo's, Abby's, and Lola's statements. And took us to the station.
Abby was holding onto Lola, Lola was holding onto me, I was holding onto Romeo, Romeo was just sat frozen. We stayed there until the police finally released us sometime that afternoon.
Abby drove us to her house, because we were not going back to mine. Vesper arrived after a couple minutes of us sitting in the living room. Abby's mom gave us all hot chocolate, hell I forgot how much I missed Mrs.Lesser, and we sat in a pile of blankets just zoned out on the couch sipping hot chocolate and sobbing. A huge mess of tears and pain and fear.
We told Vesper everything and he informed us he already knew it was already all over the news. Nobody else spoke for the rest of that night, nobody slept either, we just sat in silence, drowning in our own thoughts.
I killed him, he was going to kill Romeo, I couldn't get the image out of my head, Romeo's beautiful brown eyes clouding and full of fear. My fathers eyes full of hated, as he clamped down harder and harder on his throat. Romeo's legs kicking underneath him as he tried to escape, my own legs shaking as I stood. The knife in my sweaty hands shaking as I pleaded with my father to just let him go. Pleaded with him to kill me instead. The resistance and the feeling as it sunk into his back. My fathers eyes as they turned around and looked at me full of fear and shock. The sound the knife made when it slipped out of his back, still in my hands. The sticky red blood as it splattered onto Romeo's perfect white shirt. The clouded underwater feeling I got when I stabbed into him again. My fathers look of disgust when he fell back onto the floor. My pure white hot rage as I got on top of him. The heavy weight in my chest lifting as the knife rained down into him, again, and again, and again. His unseeing eyes still somehow looking right into my soul. My black disgusting sinner soul. The gurgling noises he made as he struggled to breathe. The blood seeping onto our grey tile floor, slippery. So much blood, I didn't think the human body had that much blood in it but there was so much. It was everywhere, on the floor, on Romeo, on me, on the counters, it soaked through my fathers button up and pants.
The next few days flew by, I spent them drowning myself in alcohol and drugs. I stayed at Vespers after that first night, but we barely talked. He just watched me, like I was a vase on the edge of a table, ready to fall off and shatter at any moment. He was right of course, I am a vase, but I've already fallen off that table, I've already shattered into a million pieces that could never be glued back together.

A/n- OKAYYYY EVERYONE that was... a chapter, i hope the gore wasn't that crazy. Okay that's a lie the gore was crazy but I really wanted to show Marcus's thought process through the whole thing. I wanted to show how he had no control during it and after it. The song for this chapter was a toss up between burning pile and what a heavenly way to die.

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