Principle Timber

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And just like that, I'm back at work. I sit behind my desk reminiscing about the night before. The fun with my husband and a beautiful girl. I lean back in my seat a kick my feet up admiring my Louis Vuitton heals. As I marvel at them, my mood is dampened by the thought of those beautiful hazel eyes closing. Was she afraid, did my husband say something to her? A knock at my door brings me back to reality. "Yes?" I manage to say politely. The secretary, Ms. Bloom enters.

"Ma'am I have two students waiting outside for you." She walks over to me and hands me their pink slips, spelling out what they've done. I grab the slips and read them over. As I read, I quickly notice Ms. Bloom hovering around my desk.

"Ms. Bloom, thank you." I say and give her a smile and nod toward the door. She nods back and turns on her heals to leave. I begin to read out loud: "Daniel Strappermen, back talking teacher, Kyle Lester, insubordination." I roll my eyes as I look over these reports. The teachers are so weak. If a kid expresses just a bit of an opinion, they get rid of them. "Mr. Strappermen," I say holding back a laugh. I maintain my composure and call out the other name. "Mr. Lester." Once they're in my office, I adjust my glasses and straighten a few papers on my desk. When I'm finished, I gesture for them to sit. I take a moment for their fear to settle in before I speak and as soon as I open my mouth, Daniel blurts out—

"I'm sorry principal Timber, I could help myself. Mr. Eastern is such a dork!" I look over at Kyle and wait for his explanation. He looks away and says nothing.

"Very well boys. I understand that you're having trouble being respectful to the teachers and your fellow classmates. However, that kind of behavior is unacceptable in my school. As for your punishment, I expect an essay written about respect and growth. It is to be on my desk prompt and early Monday morning. Am I clear?" The boys shake their heads in response. "What was that?" I ask sternly, looking them both in the eyes."

"Yes ma'am," they say in unison. I nod and escort the students out of my office. Once they're gone, I realize that I have a mountain of emails to get through and a budget to plan out for the second half of the school year. My job as the principle of K-8th grade private school require a lot of small details and planning. I open my laptop and check my emails, starting with the oldest. First, however, I notice an email from my husband.

Good morning My Duchess,

I hope your day is going well. I must inform you I will be out of town for business this weekend. I was just informed this morning and am telling you now. I look forward to hearing back from you, Duchess. With love, M. Timber.

"Dammit, I hate it when he is gone," I said in frustration. I struggled to find the words to reply to his email. "Hmmm..."

Good morning, lovely. Thank you for the heads up. I will miss you so very much. But I suppose you know what this means. Shall I begin to call you Master for the evening?


After I press send, I let out a sigh and commence to answering emails. Work begins to consume me, and I try not to think about spending the weekend alone. I am midway through my response to a budgeting email when my husband responds. I open it immediately.

Why Yes, that is the agreement. On the occasion that I must travel for work, I am the Master of my Duchess. And you are to submit to me. I know it has been a while, but I am sure you will remember how to do it. Its only for the night. Don't you work love. I'll take care of you. Now get back to work. See you in a few hours, with love, M. Timber

I let out a small laugh as I read his message. "Well then..."

Yes, Master. I love you


I get back to work. Throughout the day, Ms. Bloom brings in a few more students, each one committed a minor crime. I treat them all the same. "Smart mouthing" the teachers, chewing gum, uniform violation. I issue essay assignments for all of them. The uniform violation was little different, though. A simple placement in the detention center and some extra work did the trick. The day grow more and more boring. By the time lunch arrives, I am fully over this day and decide to head home early. On my way out of the school, I am met by one of the new hires. A young and spunky blonde with blue eyes and perky tits. I remember hiring her. She is wearing a floral dress with white nursing shoes. Tacky but adorable.

"Principal Timber, hi I just wanted to thank you again for this opportunity to shape young minds. It's been great so far." She's smiling as wide as she possibly can. I look her over a bit before responding as I want to see how she responds to my gaze. I think to myself, I curly hair, glasses, big, beautiful smile. I could suck the life out of her clit, just give me a chance... Once I finish my examination of her, we lock eyes and I notice she's noticed the look. A small smile creeps onto my lips.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself with us Mrs.?" I cannot remember her name nor if she is married.

"Miss, Miss. Graham." She says, nodding her head quickly. She is nervous and I love it. I nod and step aside so I can watch her walk away. She continues past me and of course she turns around one last time before entering the cafeteria. I'm sure her heart skipped a beat when she realized I was still watching her walk away. Once she disappears into the crowd of children, I turn and head out.

The ride home is simple. 25 minutes, light traffic, and a beautiful day. Once I get inside the house, I pop open a bottle of wine and kick off my shoes. I make my way to my couch, let down my hair and turn on some music. It's been a rather boring day at work, and now I am to give up my control for the evening. I scroll through my playlist and "G-Easy, Say Grace- you don't own me" then kick my feet up and begin to relax. Over time, our arrangement has grown far more complicated. He has allowed me the ability to express my love for beautiful women and I have allowed him to take control of me from time to time. He knows this was quite difficult for me. I need to be in control. I finish my first glass of wine and make my way back to the kitchen for another. I check the clock to see how much time I have before "master" arrives. My phone vibrates and I have a new message.

Husband: Off early, be home soon.

I respond immediately, I should've known he would be off early considering he'll be out of town this weekend.

Me: home as well. Waiting for you Master 😉


I pour another glass of wine and await further instruction from master. I drink the wine and suddenly feel myself growing a little anxious. My phone goes off once more. Another email.


Hello Principal Timber, I hope I'm not disturbing an important matter. Shall I reschedule your parent teacher conference for Monday? You were to meet with Mr. and Mrs. Cochran regarding their daughter's attendance issues.

As I read the message, I can't help but become frustrated with being told what I am supposed to be doing with my job. I need to have a meeting with Bloomy...


Yes. Thank you Bloomy...

I back space and send her proper name

Ms. Bloom.


Ipour another glass of wine and toss it back quickly. I take a deep breath andmake my way into the bedroom and pick out something sexy to wear form him. As Iopen my closet, I browse through my tiny silk dress and lingerie section. "Hmmred or pink?" I wonder, holding up each in the mirror. I turn my head to theside and imagine which he would prefer for the night. Undecided, I lay themboth out across the bed and head back to the kitchen for one more glass ofwine. I need to get into the right headspace. As I begin to pout the win, Ihear the door unlock.

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