The Amefuri Kozo

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Amefuri Kozo / 雨降小僧

Amefuri Kozo means rainfall boy. Anywhere he goes, there would be rain because the Amefuri kozo is the one that supposedly makes the rain fall. He's not the kami(or god) that makes rain but it is known that the Yokai works for the rain god.


Knock knock

Pran grinned to himself. He knew exactly who it was but it was fun to torture the other a little more. Just a little.

Knock knock knock knock knock

The knocking on his window became more insistent as the rumbling of thunder got increasingly louder. Chuckling, Pran walked over to his window to unlock it and sure enough, in climbed Pat, who immediately threw himself into his embrace.

"Ai Pran, why did you take so long to open the window?" Came the whiny voice from the face that was currently buried upon his shoulder.

"I was in bed sleeping. I had to crawl out just to come open the window for you." Pran answered, eyes gleaming as he patted the other on the back.

"You know I hate thunderstorms." Pat continued whining, rubbing his face all over the other's shoulder. "Don't lock the window next time."

"Okay okay, let's get to bed." Pran pried Pat off who whimpered a little to grab his hand to drag him to bed.

Once in bed, Pat reached out immediately to cling onto Pran for dear life, burying his face into his chest. Then and only then, did Pat's breathing and body relax as the pair quickly drifted off to sleep in each other's arms. And this was how they stayed for the entire night till Pran's mother came into his room the next morning.

After Pat had returned home, Pran's mother sat him down, highly disgruntled. "Pran, I've told you many times not to get too close to humans! They can't be trusted! You're an Amefuri Kozo, you have to stay pure. All humans do is taint everything around them. What if he finds out what you are?"

"Mae.. Pat is not like that," Pran grumbled. "He protects me from the bad ones."

"I know you like him, but you can't just keep making it storm because you want to spend time with him! You have to get a handle on your emotions, Pran!" His mother chided.

Pran hung his head guiltily. It wasn't like he did it on purpose. The rain came whenever he missed Pat. which was unfortunately very often. If he had a choice, he would plaster himself to Pat's side all the time. Pat was not like the other humans who bullied him for being different. But of course he was different, he was an Amefuri Kozo - a rain child.

"I'll try Mae, I can't help it." Pran whispered.

"I know sweetheart, but your little storms are messing with the weather forecast. People are starting to worry." Pran's mother sighed, patting her little boy on the head. "I'm sure you'll get the hang of it soon."

True enough, as Pran grew older, he slowly had more control over his powers. But humans, humans were hard to please. When there was too much rain, they'd complain that areas were flooding. When there was no rain, they'd accuse the gods of causing a drought. There was simply no satisfying them.

Pat however, always remained by his side. Fending off the bullies, spending time with him, and of course, thunderstorm cuddles. He hardly left his side, to which he was thankful for. He always felt safe as long as Pat was around.

He'd wanted so badly to tell the other boy what he really was but he'd promised his mother that it would always remain a secret. She'd feared what would happen to him but Pran was sure, if it was Pat, nothing would happen. Pat was Pat, he wouldn't change like that. But a promise was a promise. So Pran never said a word to Pat.

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