Chapter 35 - Hougyoku

Start from the beginning

He cupped my face bringing me out of my thoughts and he was watching me curiously. “What are you thinking so hard about?” I smiled and shook my head. “Nothing really….I’m just quite impressed by your Zanpakuto.” I said and he let me go. “I see. Now how about I show you the fighting stance?”

I nodded and summoned my Zanpakuto. I held it in front of me but my face got filled with color as Sousuke came to stand behind me. His bare chest touched my back and he placed his hands above mine on the hilt of my sword. I could feel his smooth skin touching my exposed shoulders and his bare chest against my back was warm. The skin of his arms touching my arms and finally his large warm hands on top of mine. I could barely focus on the way he was teaching me to swing the sword or take a stance. I was just too aware of him standing behind me and his breath that constantly blew across my ear as he spoke.

After a few moments, he pulled away and I stayed frozen. I swallowed thickly and lowered my sword. I slowly turned to face him but I kept my head down so that he wouldn’t see my flaming face. But he was good at observing people and he chuckled at the look on my face.

He walked to me as he sheathed his sword and I stiffened as he stopped in front of me. I dissipated my sword as well and he pulled me to his chest, only increasing my embarrassment. I squirmed but he didn’t let me go. “You’re so innocent, Sana.” He whispered, deliberately blowing warm air into my ear and making me stiffen as hard as stone. He chuckled and cupped my cheek with one hand making me look at him.

But my eyes softened when I saw his face and I closed my eyes as he kissed me. The warm pressure of his lips against mine made me forget everything else and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I held some of his hair in my fist and he bit my lip gently. I nipped at his lips hesitantly and felt him smile into the kiss.

He moved his hand so it was resting behind my ear, holding my head in a firmer grip and he kissed harder. Surprisingly, he let out a low groan into my mouth and I responded with a strained mewl. I could feel the smooth skin of his back with my palm and I ran my fingers through his hair gently. I parted my lips as he ran his tongue across my bottom lip and I felt like the intensity of his kiss turned me into a blob of goo.

But before he could deepen it, I froze and snapped my eyes open feeling multiple reiastus that appeared in Hueco Mundo. I pulled away and looked in the direction of the reiatsus.

I was sure....this was Ichigo, Sado, Ishida, Orihime, Rukia and Renji. "What are they doing here....." I mumbled out and Sousuke held me against his chest more firmly. I looked at him, worry filling my eyes and he chuckled. "No need to look worried Sana. They'll leave once they find out they cant even make it into Las Noches. After all, the walls are unbreakable." I frowned. "You're going to send Arrancar to fight them, aren't you?" He shook his head no, but the look on his eyes said otherwise. He gave me another chaste kiss and then walked out of the room. "Ulquiorra, take her back."

Ulquiorra looked at me and I hesitated. Sousuke had sounded indifferent when he told Ulquiorra to take me back. I didn't like it. I had a very bad feeling about this but since I couldn't do anything at the moment, I followed Ulquiorra back to my room. The walk was deadly silent and I was getting more and more worried by the minute. When I had asked Sousuke about the Arrancar, he didn't give me a straightforward answer. After all, Ichigo was strong and because Rukia and Renji were here too, it meant Soul Society was probably also starting to take action. And Sousuke obviously wouldn't let this go so easily, right?

He said that the walls of Las Noches were unbreakable. But that wasn't true, was it? It was a building after all. With enough impact, it could crumble. Besides, I could already feel the reiatsus of some of the Arrancar heading toward them. They were going to fight....and I just hoped that Ichigo and the others would give up and go back before they got seriously hurt.

>>Timeskip 2 days

I had my fists clenched tightly on my knees. My jaw was clenched tightly as I took heavy breaths and glared at the ground.

Ichigo and the others had been here fighting for the past two days. From their reiatsus, I could tell that they had fought Grimmjow, Nnoitra and a few others I hadn't met during my stay here in Las Noches. Their reiatsus had fluctuated quite a lot when they were almost defeated or in worst case scenarios, killed by the Arrancar. But Orihime being with them was an advantage. Every time one of them fell, the other would take over and Orihime would heal the injured.

Sousuke hadn't come to visit me even once during this time and even Ulquiorra had gone off to fight with the others. I was left with Wonderweiss and he refused to let me get more than ten feet close to the door of my room. I was restless and I finally snapped when I felt Ulquiorra's reiatsu flare and Ichigo's reiatsu drop as they fought.

More and more of the Arrancar were heading out to attack them and even thought they had somehow managed to beat Grimmjow and Nnoitra, they weren't in good shape anymore. Orihime was losing reiatsu as well and I doubt she would be able to go on healing everyone for much longer. Besides, with Sousuke not coming to see me all this time, I was starting to doubt his promise that he wouldn't hurt my friends. If he really thought so, he could have somehow sent them back to the human world without them fighting till they were this badly hurt.

I stood up swiftly, my hands clenched at my sides and I looked at the door. I began walking towards the door, but Wonderweiss latched onto my middle and prevented me from getting too far. I didn't want to hurt Wonderweiss because he had always been nice to me. I took a deep breath to calm down and looked down at him. "Let me go, Wonderweiss." "Uuuwaaahaaa!" He shook his head and I closed my eyes. I held his arms and made him let me go. "I wont go anywhere Wonderweiss. I just need to go to the bathroom again." I lied and he believed me. The minute he let me go though, I used Shunpo and darted out of the room.

I had to find them and do something before they really got hurt. I know they probably came here to save me, but I didn’t want to be saved. I was here as a prisoner to protect them and I was here because I loved Sousuke. I wasn’t ready to give up either of my reasons. And since Sousuke wasn’t doing anything to stop the Arrancar from fighting them, I had to take matters into my own hands.





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