Chapter 29

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The Fire Nation was a stickler when it came to traditions. Dancing was practically a court staple and a must-know for any noble. Azula didn't mind dancing, she enjoyed the lessons she had been instructed in growing up, finding the patterns and sweeping motions similar to bending in some regards. She'd tried to teach Percy a couple of years ago, it had been a near disaster. She didn't understand how someone so graceful in his swordplay and the footwork required for it could be so bad at dancing, her toes had throbbed the rest of the day from his missteps.

So she was utterly shocked to see him on the dance floor now. He looked completely at ease out there with Ty Lee, like it was as natural as his bending or sword fighting for him right now. He didn't miss a single beat, and his footwork was impeccable, never wavering as he lead Ty Lee around the floor. After the song finishes he walks off with Ty Lee as the pair sport winning grins. He deposits Ty Lee back in her seat before coming back around to her, holding out his hand as he bows his head, "May I have a dance, my lady?"

"You may," Azula replied as she fought down a blush before standing, accepting his outstretched hand as he lead her to the part of the ballroom floor set aside for dancing. Azula decided to follow his lead for the moment, he seemed capable with Ty Lee but she can correct any mistakes he might make as she knew the entire dance by memory.

It's only when she notices the whispering among the nobles as they take the floor that she realizes how many people are watching her. Perhaps she should've done her first dance of the night with someone else. The song starts and Percy pulls her close and she uses the opportunity to whisper a warning in his ear, "Everybody is watching."

Percy smirks down at her, "Of course they are, that was the plan," he says in response. The song begins picking up and Percy executes every movement perfectly before twirling and dipping her much to her surprise and the crowd's enjoyment.

"Since when can you dance like this?" she asks in surprise.

"Demigod," he responds with a smug smirk.

The crowd isn't only watching for their dancing skills, both cut striking figures drawing heated gazes from some while others still are merely curious about the princess and her bodyguard. It isn't until he brings her in close that she can respond, "You realize that doesn't count as an answer to everything right?"

Percy's green eyes shine at her with mischief, "Try me."

He twirls her again before bringing her back close, "I don't think I will. Now tell me," she demands with a bit of heat.

"I didn't know why I needed to learn how to dance back then and I didn't put much effort into it. But now that we're a couple, I realized you deserve nothing less than my absolute best," he says sincerely.

A few complicated patterns give her time to process that before she's back within his grasp, "You really learned all of this to dance with me? When? Who?" she demands.

"Azula," he says in a serious tone, "I would attempt almost anything for you. I convinced Mai to teach me throughout the week in preparation for tonight. Turns out the footwork for dancing is very similar to sword fighting, minus the sword obviously."

If she wasn't being watched by the entire crowd she would slap him, "I told you that when I tried teaching you!"

Percy smiles sheepishly, "I know, I promise I wasn't trying to step on your toes then either. And now that I'm able to dance with my beautiful girlfriend on her birthday… I'd say it was definitely worth it, " he says with a genuine smile.

Azula wants to show him just how much that means to her but for now, settles for a wide smile before whispering to him, "I love you."

Percy breaks out a cocky smile as he replies, "I know."

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