Chapter 28

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Zuko dropped to both his knees, prostrating himself before the wall of flame his father sat behind as he waited for him to speak.

"You have been away for a long time. I see the weight of your travels has changed you. You have redeemed yourself, my son."

Zuko looked upwards as his father strode through the flames to stand in front of him, regarding him intently.

"Welcome home my son."

"It is good to be home father," he replied as he stood to his feet as well in front of his father, choking back a sigh of relief.

Ozai regarded him a moment longer before he began pacing around Zuko in a circle, "I am proud of you Zuko. I am proud because you and your sister conquered Ba Sing Se. I am proud because when your loyalty was tested by your treacherous uncle, you did the right thing and captured the traitor. And I am proudest of all, of your most legendary accomplishments, you slayed the Avatar."

"How did you—"

"Azula told me everything. She said that she was amazed and impressed with your power and ferocity. At the moment when the Avatar was about to escape your friend's watery entrapment, you acted and struck down the biggest threat to the Fire Nation. I knew you would be powerful, you are much like me my son, a late bloomer it seems. But no matter, you are home, and I am most pleased with you."

"Thank you father."

"I don't suppose you would be opposed to showing your father a demonstration of your lightning?"

If it wasn't for Azula grilling him onboard on what to say, Zuko would have probably been busted on the spot. "Of course not father, although I would rather show you during an Agni Kai. I'm sure some doubt my strength since I have not been home and I do not wish to reveal my abilities yet."

Ozai smiled at his son, "It seems you are becoming more adept in politics my son. Never reveal one's true strength, always have a plan, an option, a power, that they know not. And when they think they have you figured out, that is when we strike. So fast and strong that they will never have a chance to live and learn that the royal family always carries secrets."

( - )

Percy made his way towards Azula's room. He was careful and cautious, now that his temper had calmed he realized how bad things would have gone if it wasn't for Zuko and Ty Lee. He'd have to properly thank them later, but first, he needed to see Azula. To make sure she was okay.

He paused in front of the doorway for a long moment, before knocking gently. It was late, but hopefully, Azula was still up. He was surprised when the door opened almost immediately and he was yanked inside.

Azula looked stunning, her hair was down and she was obviously in her sleeping attire. A long red robe covered her, not unlike the one she'd worn during their second dinner at Ba Sing Se.

"Azula—" he started.

Before he was interrupted as she kissed him hard. This wasn't slow and loving like their first kiss, it was fast and passionate. She wanted him.

He gasped for breath as he finally came up for air from Azula's hunger, "Azula wait, I want to talk to you—"

"We'll talk later okay? But right now I need you. I had that filthy fucking animal kiss me and I hated it. I just want to feel you, here and with me okay?" Azula asked and Percy was surprised to see a vulnerability in her golden eyes. She was right, they would talk later, right now Azula needed reassurance. That he was with her and wasn't ever leaving her side. Percy made sure to lock her door before kissing her as he scooped her up in his arms and deposited her on her bed.

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