Chapter 1

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   Percy stared at the empty ocean through the window of his room and all he could think of was the pain that he'd experienced his whole life. He was an only child, who lived alone with his mom. His father, according to his mother was lost at sea.

Not very many people in their village at the South Pole interacted with them. (Even the ones that did were only for business. His mother was into the selling of dried fish, which was hard to get considering they were surrounded by water and thus, very expensive. The dried fish was used to make a delicacy for special occasions.)

Because of this, he had no friends. Unlike the rest of the villagers who had different shades of blue eyes, he had bright green eyes.

They lived at the edge of the village, close to the sea. This allowed him to practice and train his water bending. Though his mother always told him that he was more than a water bender. At the age of eight, he could already control the water like a master. He could talk to fish and swim in the icy cold water with ease. He could dive to depths that no human being could ever dream of reaching.

He was eight when Kya, the wife of the village chief, asked him to train her daughter who was also a water bender. That request led to where he and his mother were at present, on one of the fire nation islands, out in the sea.

Flash back
"Percy, we have guests". His mother called him in from the sea side where he was practicing turning water to ice.
Hearing that, he immediately sped into the tent. It wasn't every day they had guests. On getting there, he saw Kya - the wife of the village chief with her daughter,- Katara. The woman smiled  him, though it looked forced. Katara didn't even spare him a glance. It didn't surprise him. He was already considered a freak for his prowess in water bending.

"Good day to you Percy," Kya started, "we are here because I've decided that you will help my daughter come into her prime as a water bender". She said it like it was something that he should have been proud of.

"Okay. I'll try my best". He said with a smile. Little Percy thought that if he could teach Katara water bending, the other kids wouldn't see him as a freak any more.

How wrong he was.

*Two weeks later*

Percy and Katara were at the entrance of the village. Percy was showing her some basic moves, pulling and pushing the water.

"No, you have to move your arms firmly, not lik-".

He was suddenly interrupted by Katara "do you even know what you're doing? I'm the Chief's daughter. I'm the one supposed to give instructions, not take orders from a bastard son of a harlot who doesn't even know his own father!" She sreamed at him.

The ocean suddenly went still. No waves or movements from anywhere. Percy looked like he had been smacked with the tail of an elephant koi fish. He began to walk away, heading to his mother's tent which was on the outskirts of the village. As he was moving, Katara grabbed his arm to draw him back.

That was when it happened.

The ocean which was eerily still suddenly rose, towering over the entire village and blocking out the light of the sun. Cold winds began to blow, making the already cold area even colder.
The sound of the raging sea and unrelenting icy cold winds, drew out the people in the village who were shocked when they saw what was happening.

Quickly, one of the warriors ran and grabbed Katara, pulling her away from the raging sea. No one knows what happened,but by the time it all calmed, all the tents were blown over. There were scattered clothes and parkas all over the place. The ice was cracked in many places, some deep and wide enough to sink a boat. The tribe warriors all gathered and grabbed Percy dragging him to his mother who was already on her way to the village. They threw him roughly at her feet.

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