
Începe de la început

We all shrunk down and entered the quantum tunnel using the time space GPS to navigate our way through the quantum realm all ending up in our designated time periods.

Morag, 2014

Me, Rhodey, Clint, and Nebula  arrived on the planet, Morag. "That's it, right on that line, Blue. Keep dropping it." Rhodey was directing nebula as she lowered the escape pod.

"Hey, can we hurry it up?" Clint said with annoyance lacing his tone.

Rhodey turned away from what he was doing to look at us. "Yeah, come on, chop chop, we're on the clock, here." I said with a playful smile.

"All that? Really helpful!" Rhodes finished in a humorous tone. The two took the pod and left promptly after to retrieve the power stone.

Me and Clint said our goodbyes to everyone before starting our journey to the place they call vormir. I turn to Clint to see him watching me with a smile. "What?"

"Nothing. Just...we're a long way
from Budapest."


Vormir, 2014

Natasha and Clint were both stood on the hanger of the jet gazing at the mystical, purple planet. "Under different circumstances, this would be totally awesome." They shrunk the jet back down to the smaller size using the Pym particles before starting their trip to the giant purple rock, oblivious to the dangers that lay ahead.

Halfway up the treacherous mountain they take a break to catch their breath. They make it to some sort of an archway when Clint speaks up. "Really starting to regret my choice here."

"Yeah. I'm gonna bet the raccoon
didn't have to climb a mountain," Natasha says while continuing to walk up out of breath.

"I don't think technically he's a raccoon..."

"Whatever. He eats garbage-" Natasha says but quickly is cut off when they hear a sound coming from ahead.

They whirl their weapons up into an attacking position. A mysterious figure in dark hood approaches them. "I assure you, you have nothing to
fear from me."


"Welcome Natasha, daughter of Ivan. Clint, son of Edith."


Natasha and Clint stay in the position, ready to attack. "Who are you?"

"Consider me a guide to you, and to all who seek the soul stone." Clint begins to lower his weapon, but Natasha stays in place.

"Great. You show us where it is, and we'll be on our way." she says, a small smirk pulling at her lips.

The figure removes his hood revealing himself. Red skull. Steve Rogers archenemy from the 40's. He had looked much older than in the pictures Natasha had seen. He looked tired and the color from his face had been dark almost the same color of blood once it dries. "Oh, Liebchen. If only it were that easy..."



We followed the red skull, climbing up the rest of the mountain, finally making it to the top. I stared down at the bottom of the mountain. There was nothing but the purple void below us, alongside the few splatters of blood at the bottom, big enough for us to see from up here. "What you seek lies in front of you. As does what you fear."

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