Chapter 7: I swear I didn't see this coming, but I wish I did

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The next morning was finally friday, the day of the prom. I still didn't have a date but I figured I would go with my friends. That day when I got to school I went to my locker to put my books away. As I'm putting my books in my locker someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn around to see Melanie. She had a big smile on her face and from the looks of it hasn't even gone to put her bag in her locker yet.

"Hey Maggie! I have tea!!" Melanie exclaimed. "What kind of tea?" I said intrigued. "You know, the gossip tea!" Melanie answered. "Should've guessed..." I said. "Well... it's a little complicated, here goes," Melanie cleared her throat, "the italians told me, not to tell you, that Mackenzie told them, that she heard from Lexi, that she heard from Logan that he knew that Austin has a crush on you!"

"W-what did you just say?" I said, dropping my bag from my grip. I was feeling this beautiful feeling, I was just in an amazing trance. I loved this feeling, the feeling that my troubles were gone and all I could feel was my heart, telling me that It was more than a piece of gossip.

"I know i'm not that big of a love expert but... I think you should go tell him how you feel and if you're up to it... ask him to prom!" Melanie suggested.

"Ok I will, why not! And I will ask him to prom, but I was supposed to go with the Italians... are you sure?" I asked.

"Positive! You deserve a romantic happily ever after... you're an amazing friend Maggie" Melanie said smiling.

"You too...," I said, returning the compliment, "Wish me luck" I said, running away without even putting my bag back in my locker. 

I looked in each hallway trying to find Austin. It was pretty tiring but eventually I looked in the last place he could be: the cafeteria.

 I went in the center of the cafeteria and looked around to see if I could spot Austin. I turned my head side to side and soon spotted him. I was about to call him but then I saw him talking to a girl. 

I couldn't see her face so I didn't know who she was. I started walking towards him. The girl soon stopped talking to him but instead leaned even closer to him. The girl pushed her lips against his.

 I noticed who the girl was when she turned my way, it was Morgan. I couldn't believe it, after everything he fucking said, I didn't want to look anymore so I ran away without an explanation.

 I tried not to cry but I couldn't hold the tears. Instead, I ran fast so that my tears would dry along the way. I decided it would be best if I got out of the school trying to collect my thoughts so I don't explode.

 As I gathered to the nearest tree outside, sitting against the stump. My head sageg down as the shadows covered my face, humiliated in my own defeat.

 I buried my head in my lap and as I thought nothing could get worse, someone taped on my shoulder. 

I couldn't bear the person to look at my puffed face so I didn't acknowledge it. Unfortunately for me the person didn't leave, and spoke this time.

"Why are you crying?" The voice was male and sounded familiar. I wiped my tears away and looked in his direction.

"What are you doing here Ethan?" Honestly Ethan was the last person I wanted to talk to. I really doubt he actually wants to know what's wrong with me, right? I guess I should just give up and let everybody know about my life at this point, but I ended up deciding that telling him was not the approach and probably would have made it awkward.

He bent down to my side on the grass and gently pushed some of my long curly brown hair behind my ear.

"Maggie are you ok? You know you can tell me anything... even if we don't have a really tight relationship anymore." he said calmly. Damn i don't want to admit it but that was hot. He didn't have to add that last part because I already knew that but I really needed someone to talk to right now.

"I'll tell you just because I really need someone to talk to, but I don't think you'll know how to answer once I tell you." I said.

 I told him all about how Melanie told me that Austin liked me and how I was going to ask him to prom but then how I saw him kiss Morgan. "I'm so sorry Maggie, I had no Idea. Austin can be a fucking jerk." Ethan said. 

"It doesn't matter anymore, I thought he felt something towards me, guess I was just stupid." I said, putting my head in my lap again. "You know what Maggie... I know we don't really hang out anymore but," Ethan stood up and put his hand out so I could get up, "I don't have a date to prom and you don't either. So Maggie, Will you be my date to prom?" Ethan said. I didn't see this coming. I didn't really know what to say to that, I mean wouldn't it be awkward? "I don't know Ethan I—"

"Come on Maggie, can we go as we used to be?!" Ethan was waiting for an answer. I guess it wouldn't be so bad. "Fine", I hope I'm making the right decision, "but the prom is Tonight. Do you even have a tux?" I asked, wondering if we could actually pull this off.

"Was I going to go to prom anyway? Because I recall not wanting to go to prom in sweats and a T-shirt." He said. I smirked, I remembered how he used to play around.

The day had ended with little time to get ready for the prom. I had to tell the Galaxy Stars how I couldn't go to the prom with them. 

When I told them I was surprised to have no sorrow or sadness in return. Turns out they all had dates of their own and that they thought they were going to have to ditch on me. Zoe and Chloe had dates with the guys they were talking to in chemistry. 

Lexis date, as surprised as I was, was the girl from the football after party, the girl she kissed was called Jasmine and I guess they ended up hitting it off. 

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