Chapter 5 - The Next Morning

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"Firepaw, Icepaw, wake up!" Graypaw yelled. "It's time to train! Sandpaw and Dustpaw are already up! Today Lionheart is going to take us to the Fourtrees with Bluestar! And Whitestorm!

"Nothing special about cleaning the elders' ticks," Lionheart called. "Hurry up!"

Graypaw screeched and rocketed out of the den. Icepaw followed him hesitantly, and for the first time, he looked, really looked at the camp.

He saw a tortoiseshell queen, nursing her kits. Icepaw winced. He couldn't believe it, but he felt threatened by the small family. A black tom strode over and licked the she-cat between the ears, purring at her. Would this family try to kill him like in BloodClan? Scour- Icepaw stumbled back, bumping into Graypaw.

"Woah, Icepaw, what started you?" he asked jovially.

"Ah, nothing," he muttered. A light gray tomkit turned to look at him. A darker she-kit turned too. 

"Ashkit, Fernkit, wanna play?" another kit's voice rang out. It was a dark tabby tomkit.

"Sure, Bramblekit," Ashkit said.

Icepaw shuddered and turned to follow Bluestar out of camp.

"Come with me," the blue she-cat instructed. She led the way out of camp. Icepaw followed, but soon his pads ached - badly. He sighed and continued to follow, until he felt a sharp stab of pain in his paw. He grimaced, but pushed on. If he showed weakness, who knew what could happen. There were all sorts of creatures in the woods. Plus, he was new to hunting. He'd only ever learned to fight, and jump off rafters, and dodge monsters - the type that ate twolegs. He paused, licking the gash. It was bleeding quite a lot, but he figured it'd have to stop eventually. He'd gotten by in the alleyways of the twolegplace without a medicine cat. He'd never loved being fussed over, hated it really.

After a while and a bit of pain, they'd reached Fourtrees. Icepaw couldn't help but gasp at the four giant oaks, towering over them. But something tugged at him, something odd. There was something here. Icepaw rolled his eyes, shoving the feeling away. It was just his old instincts from Scourge's life.

"Why don't you hunt here," Bluestar instructed. "We'll see what you each bring back. When you hear me yowl, just come back. Don't feel pressured to catch more prey than you can handle."

But Icepaw was. And that feeling was back, rushing through his veins like ice.

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