Part Eight - Joining Forces PT. 1!

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i've decided... you guys get 10 parts to this story! or else this part would be way too long

Zucchini and Mr. Joe Biden were facing Jesus Christ our lord and savior.  Zucchini was terrified. Jesus Christ was only a myth among the vegetables in the garden she grew up in. There were stories about how their existence began because of him. She never bought into that kind of stuff.... until now. "He... he is real!" She cried out. Mr. Biden quietly shushed her, not taking his eyes off of Jesus Christ. "You've returned to this Earth. What is the meaning of this?" Mr. Biden demanded to know. "I've been telling you all that I'd return for ages... did you really doubt the power of Christ?" Jesus laughed, the ground rumbling with the sound. "I've come to give you all what I've always given... unconditional love. But I cannot do it with all these VAGs and FAGs running around... I must eradicate them all. I'm sorry, Joe Biden, but... it is... the only way. After their destruction, you and all the other men who have been trapped in the web of these VAGs and FAGs can go to church and repent your sins." Jesus Christ murmured, his voice calm. Mr. Biden clenched his fists, yet not dropping his arms from his T-pose. "Why? Why do you want to destroy these VAGs? What have they done to you?" Mr. Biden yelled in response.

"Their existence was not something I intended to continue on. The first VAG I had created was an 18+ year old girl, grown from a tomato. Tomato was my gift a lonely old man who had lost all those dear to him, yet he continued to serve my will. But I knew the pain in his heart, and I knew how his loneliness consumed his heart. And though it never turned him away from my way, I wanted to heal his pain. So I sprinkled some godly magic over a tomato vine, during the night of a blood moon. And from there, the VAGs were born. But it was never my intention to have more than one VAG. The line of these magical, feminine creatures were supposed to begin and end with Tomato. But, to my surprise, these creatures continued to be born and match with men. At first, I had no plans to intervene, until they started mating with government officials who were already married. And then I discovered the existence of the demons that are born alongside the VAGs, and I knew that I would have to destroy them all for the better of the universe. But, any attempt to destroy them from my holy Heaven... was merely that, an attempt. I never could bring harm to them. It's taken me watching you and Zucchini's story, Joe Biden, to realize I had to come to Earth to destroy them. Now, please, step away from the VAG, and I can soon bring you back Jill Biden, your doting wife. And please, would you kindly give me the names of the others who have paired of with a VAG... or a FAG?" Jesus Christ smiled kindly and lovingly at Mr. Biden.

Zucchini's legs were shaking in fear. Her heart was beating wildly in her chest. Could her heart sense its beats were numbered? The stories she grew up hearing, about the son of God being their creator, were true. Her family were merely vegetables, but they had always known that Zucchini would grow up to be an 18+ year old VAG. But now, the very power that had created her would now destroy her.  Not knowing what to do, she burst into tears. Mr. Biden, upon hearing his little angel kitten's terrified tears, gets angry at Jesus Christ. "I would rather die than have Jill back. I love Zucchini! She's mine, and I won't let you destroy her!" He exclaimed. Jesus laughed kindly. "But Joe Biden, how will you defend her? You are simply a humble man, while I am Christ. I may not be my father, God himself, but I still have powers beyond normal human abilities." He exclaimed. "I don't know what I'll do, but I'll protect her from you!" Mr. Biden yelled back. "Joe Biden this is for the best... these VAGs and FAGs were not meant to exist. I will simply be setting the record right." Jesus Christ sighs.

Mr. Biden decided... fuck that! He grabbed Zucchini, threw her over his shoulder, and ran in the opposite direction of Jesus Christ. She shrieked, but then she wrapped her legs around his torse and leaned into him, so that Mr. Biden wouldn't be slowed down by her weight of 87 pounds. Jesus yelled something, but Mr. Biden wasn't paying attention. He had to find Obama and Trump, and warn them of the danger coming for Carrot and Blueberry. But where would they be? Well, presidents, after their term ended, moved into the underground of the Multiracial House. There was a whole city under the Multiracial House. Shops, restaurants, hotels, houses, apartments... a whole new world. Most likely, Obama and Trump would be there. Mr. Biden was terrified that Jesus Christ was following him, but when he looked behind them, there was nobody there. He wondered what Jesus would do - would he just leave this be? Or would he possess someone to follow Mr. Biden and Zucchini.

Joe Biden and The Secrets of BDSM (with Zucchini)Where stories live. Discover now