"Give it up girl." He gritted, finally getting control of me. His hand going around my throat.

Choking for air, I let go of the bat and clawed at his hand as he stood us up. Gripping my throat tighter he lifted my body up in the air letting my feet dangle as I struggled for breath.

My vision was slowly going black and I knew I had to do something fast. Or I'd end up dying in this god awful place.

"Fuck you." I spat, and I swung my foot up and hit him right in the groin.

Groaning he threw me onto the ground as he dropped to his knees in pain. Gasping for air, I laid on the ground for a few seconds trying to catch my breath. Leaning up onto my hands that's when I saw it. He threw me out of the circle and I was right in path of a walker.

Scrambling, I tried backing up as fast as I could go. The walker getting faster the closer he got, smelling my nice warm flesh. Unfortunately I was paying so much attention to the one in front of me, I failed to remember the other ones behind me. That's what happened when you take your mind off of the whole situation. You forget about things that could get you killed.

Until I looked over my shoulder and a walker was on his hands and knees. His rotting hands already around my shoulder pulling me closer to him.

Crying out, I kicked at the one in front of me. Trying my best to keep him at bay, while I struggled in the other ones hands. Until I looked down and the monster had its mouth around my shoulder, gnawing at it.

I wasn't sure if it was adrenaline that was pumping thru my body, or if it was the lack of feeling I had in my entire body at the moment, because even as I watched him gnaw at me I didn't feel anything. There was no pain as his teeth sank into the shoulder strap of my chest pad, as he tried to get to my flesh. Lifting up my shaky arm, I made one clean movement and cut the walkers head off.

His teeth let go of my shoulder and I quickly got to my feet. The man was watching me, his eyes wide as he saw me stand up from what just happened. He obviously didn't expect me to escape that.

"I hope you rot in hell." I yelled. My feet carrying me over to the post that held the chain for the next walker.

With one fluid motion I used the machete and cut the post off, letting the chain that held the walker captive go. Even though it took the walker a few seconds to realize it was free, it went straight for the man in the middle of the arena. Giving me time, to go around and free the other fifteen walkers that were chained.

By the time I got to the last walker, they already overtook the guy in the middle. His screams echoing out, as he cried for help. Standing there I watched the walkers eat him alive until a siren went off.

The crowd was panicking as the walkers that were no longer interested in the man below, tried climbing the fence to get to the bleachers to go after them. A few were successful causing the crowd to scatter in all different direction. As I watched them run, I noticed the governor had left the arena, because he is nothing more then a coward. He left in a hurry though, leaving behind my family. I could safely call them that now because we've been thru a lot shit together. But we still stood by each other.

Noticing a few walkers coming in my direction, I started for the fence. Sliding the machete into my belt loop, my hands and feet easily let me climb up and over without breaking a sweat. Running up the bleachers I saw Daryl cutting loose Rick and Shane. He still must have had my knife on him when they brought him up.

"Jesus Hadley." Shane shouted as I got closer. A expression of shock clearly written on his face.

"No time to talk, we need to get you out of here." I yelled, pushing Glenn's back hearing more and more walkers successfully getting over the tiny fence.

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