Chapter 25

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Hermione stretched languidly as she woke up from her sleep, and turned-off her alarm. Looking around her room, she sighed as she took in the state of her bedroom. Waking up a bit, she smiled as she remembered the events of last night. She quickly began picking up her things and got ready for the day. It was tedious work, but she didn't regret her actions one bit.

She had a goal now. Last night's actions had made it very clear what she had to do about her intense attraction to Harry. He was her Sire, and she would protect his happiness and his welfare with all the power that she could. She had been struggling with her shift in perception ever since she had woken up after being turned and it had taken her this long to realize that it would make it easier on her and the happiest if she weren't fighting with her instincts. But before she went to Harry with her resolute feelings, she needed to talk to Perenelle. As she figured, it would be better for her and Harry if she got all the facts before she even talked to Harry about it.

Harry wasn't going to be there today, and she would make sure to take advantage of that fact.


Harry was totally, absolutely bored. It came as quite a surprise to him that even with the relatively short time that he had been training, he felt that he was missing something important. Try as he might he couldn't shake off the weird feeling. Hermione and Daphne had already left for today's training and Harry didn't really know what he was supposed to do to relax.

Flying calmed him down, but that was not possible in broad daylight. That was it really, he didn't have any other activities that calmed him down. It was a little disconcerting for him that he had so few hobbies.

He really needed a hobby.

"*You could spend the day with me. I always looked forward to the summer, even if your relatives are horrible, you would always chat all day with me. I miss that.*" Hedwig trilled a longing tune.

Harry looked over at his Phoenix, Hedwig. It was true that he hadn't been spending as much time as he used to with her. Harry got up from the bed, and walking over to Hedwig's perch, he stroked her soft feathers lovingly.

"I'm really sorry that you feel that way, Hedwig. I promise, I'll try harder."

"*It's not your fault Harry. You have too much work to do.*" Hedwig replied pleasantly. Harry's fingers felt nice on her plumage.

"Nevertheless, we have this great opportunity. Let's make the best of it shall we?" Harry asked her smilingly.

They conversed for over an hour, before Harry reluctantly brought up a topic that he hadn't told another soul about.

"Hedwig? What are your thoughts about Hermione?" Harry asked.

Hedwig took her time in answering her question. Harry wasn't surprised by this, even earlier, Hedwig would sometimes pause before nodding her head of hooting her verdict.

"* Hermione's a very bright girl. Very studious.*"

"And . . .?"

"*What is it that is troubling you Harry?*"

Harry released a nervous breath and told Hedwig about the feelings that he was having about Hermione. He felt comfortable talking freely about it to Hedwig, it was only helped by the fact that Hedwig wouldn't tell another soul about it.

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