Chapter 17

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Harry woke up instantly as he heard a tapping on the window to the guest bedroom that he was in. he blinked blearily, and opened his eyes and looked towards where the tapping was coming from. He got out of bed, careful not to shake Hedwig's nest that was lying beside him, he walked up to the window and the owl flew in, a letter tied to its leg. Harry looked out the window noticing that the sun was barely above the horizon.

Harry walked over to the owl, and gently untied the letter from its leg, wondering who could be writing to him so early. As soon as he had successfully untied the letter, the owl gave a hoot and flew away. Harry opened the letter, and noticed the immaculate writing.

Dear Harry,

Enclosed you will find an earring for Hermione, and a Wristwatch for you Harry. These are enchanted Portkeys keyed to bring you and Hermione to the Department and back to wherever you Portkeyed from, provided the area is not warded, you will need to get out of the range of the wards if you are staying in a warded area. It is a difficult piece of Magic, I would advise you not to lose it. You have the coming week off, Hermione may use it to come here every night between 12-2 am, I will be available during that time. Although I have given you the week off, I still expect you to read the book on Occlumency that I gave you. Also I have detailed an exercise regimen for the both of you, be sure to follow it. You will need it. If you need to use the training facilities at the Department, feel free to drop by anytime, but don't wander into the Ministry.

Perenelle Flamel.

P.S. The Portkey activation Keyword is 'Home to the Chamber'

There was another note attached to the letter, detailing the exercises that Perenelle had written down for him. Harry's eyes bugged out as he read the routine that she expected him and Hermione to follow. It was impossible. Being in the Quidditch team, he was not unused to performing exercises, but what she expected from him was ridiculous. He looked at the watch that she had sent him. It was a standard watch, nothing fancy.

Deciding to think about it later, he freshened up, and went in search of some food.

He was surprised to see Hermione already in the kitchen, cooking a small breakfast; he hadn't expected anyone else to be up so early on a Sunday. He tried to not notice the clothes that she was wearing, but it was a bit difficult for him. Apparently Hermione dressed for bed in a small snug T-shirt and pyjama pants.

"Morning, Hermione." Harry greeted.

"Good Morning Harry, you're up early." Hermione answered as she flipped the pancake on the pan.

"You cook?" Harry asked surprised. He was learning things about Hermione that he didn't even know before. Thinking about it, he shouldn't be surprised, even though they were best friends, he didn't expect to know every little detail of her life. Though he was surprised by her friendship with Daphne, and he honestly wasn't angry about it.

After all, he had his secrets as well.

"Only pancakes and scrambled eggs. It's not much, but I get by. You want some?" Hermione said.

"Maybe later, I am not fully awake yet." Harry shrugged. He took out the letter from Perenelle that he had stashed in his pocket. "The Professor sent us this this morning." Harry said as he placed the letter as well as the earrings on the kitchen shelf. Hermione turned the stove off, and read the letter.

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