Chapter 13

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"What's wrong with her?" Harry asked as he tried to calm Hermione down. Her breathing was laboured, and she seemed to be gulping rapidly. Perenelle got a good look at Hermione's form, and immediately recognized the symptoms.

"Harry she needs blood immediately." Perenelle said calmly. Hermione was in no danger after all, being a newly turned vampire; she just couldn't repress the hunger. She idly wondered if she should tell them about the changes that they would undergo. At first, she had thought that it would be amusing o see them discover their abilities on their own, but after this she wasn't so sure. She would need to have a talk with them as soon as possible. She couldn't let her excitement ruin their lives.

While she was thinking, Harry had bitten his wrist and held his bleeding arm towards Hermione's lips. She immediately latched on to the source of nourishment, and she stilled. As harry saw that she was beginning to open her eyes, he took away his hand and lifted her upright, sitting behind her, cradling her head in his shoulder, he waited patiently for her to fully regain her senses.

"H-Harry?" Hermione asked. She had been hit with the hunger like a freight train, approximately 10 minutes ago, and she had been losing her mind. Her instincts wanted her o find the nearest source of blood and drain it dry, but she had been fighting to keep that in check, she couldn't live with the knowledge that she was being controlled by her instincts. Thinking back on it, she found it odd that she didn't think about the person that she might have attacked.

"Shh~ Hermione, I'm sorry for taking so long. I was so excited by my day that I forgot that you didn't have your drink yesterday. From now on you are going to drink every day, even if you feel full." Harry said softly. Having said that, he gently grabbed the back of her head and guided it towards his neck firmly.

Hermione took a deep breath and was immediately assaulted by Harry's unique scent, and she could practically hear the blood rushing through his veins, letting go of the hold that she had on herself, she bit him gently, and slowly suckled his blood, succeeding in holding in her moan.

Harry himself barely felt the tiny prick on his neck; he held back his blush at Hermione's actions. She was basically sucking his neck, and being a hormonal teenager, he was hard pressed to guide his mind away from the gutter. After Hermione had her fill, she immediately hugged him and whispered her thanks softly in his ear.

Harry got up, and smiled sheepishly at Perenelle's amused expression. Perenelle was sure that had the two of them not been together they would have been far worse off. She pulled up a chair in front of the two teens and started on her explanation.

"It seems that I was negligent in informing you of the changes that you have undergone. Please hold on to your questions until I have finished my explanation." Perenelle said.

Harry and Hermione nodded silently.

"First of all, you should have noticed the physical changes. Vampires are immortal to time, they can be killed, but they cannot die of old age. Your strength, speed, and senses will be much greater than a Wizard's, however you will need to work hard to acquire the strength and speed. Right now, you are only slightly better than a Wizard. I will be instructing you in the exercises that you will be performing to increase them, this summer. Vampires are strongest in the cover of night, but seeing as you have retained you Magic and Soul, you will be as strong as a Vampire of your experience throughout the day and slightly better at night. You can be considered what is known as a Daywalker in Vampire clans, but since only the strongest of Vampires ever are capable of it, you are currently outmatched against a natural Daywalker. With me so far?" Perenelle asked.

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