Chapter 10

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Harry walked into a cavernous chamber that he estimated was much larger than the Great Hall of Hogwarts. As soon as he stepped inside, the chamber lit up brightly with light, and looking around, Harry wasn't positive that he had located the source of the lighting. Brushing it off as a peculiar Magical phenomenon, Harry turned his attention to the contents of the cavern. It was best described as a mess, and that was putting it lightly. The only thing that seemed relatively organized was the dozens of Bookshelves that Harry saw were lined towards the back of the chamber.

'Those must be the books from the Potter Library.' Harry mused as he walked around the disorganized possessions that were his now. He honestly didn't know what he was expecting to find as he waded through the various artefacts and the recovered items from Potter Manor. Glancing around casually, he spied various oddly shaped instruments, and copious amounts of Jewellery and an abundance of precious gemstones scattered around, either encased on shelves or overflowing from within trunks. There were also various armoured suits scattered throughout the chamber.

It was a while before Harry caught sight of something that he had been searching for. He had hoped that his parents had been thought to mark the items in their house at Godric's Hollow for recovery as well, and as he approached the three trunks, his hopes were met.

There, lying together, resting against a pile of other trunks were the three trunks that mattered to Harry the most. He wiped the small amount of dust that had settled over the name plaque of the Trunks. They simply read, 'Harry' , 'Lily' and 'James'.

He traced the names of his parents with his finger, lost in his thoughts. So much had happened to him recently, and he was not sure if he was even able to make sense out of it. He was simply living each day as it comes and he honestly hoped that he wouldn't have to continue like this for long. Harry didn't know how long he sat in front of the trunks, just gazing at the names, thinking about how his life would have been if Voldemort hadn't killed them. He would be living happily with his parents, Sirius would not have been on the run from the law, and Remus wouldn't have distanced himself from the Wizarding world . . . If only . . .

'It does not do to dwell on dreams Harry, and forget to live.'

Harry froze as Dumbledore's words echoed through his mind and wrecked his train of thought. He got up hastily, staring at the trunks with a torn expression on his face. He would like nothing more than to spend the rest of his time going through the contents of the trunk, but he knew that if he did so, he wouldn't be able to handle it.

Harry sighed as he backed away from the trunks.

'I'm sorry mum, dad, but I will definitely come back. Definitely.' Harry thought and walked out of the chamber, closing the door behind him softly. He walked wearily over to the couch and sunk down on it bonelessly, emotionally exhausted. He rubbed the bridge of his nose tiredly, and took a few deep, calming breaths.

Trying to distract himself of his earlier thoughts, Harry got up and walking over to the throne-like chair in the room, sat down upon it. He felt a tingle at the nape of his neck, and realized that it was associated with magic that was being coursed through him.

A paper appeared before him on the desk with various options of withdrawing money in the form of either Wizarding money or Muggle currency. Harry wrote out 10,000 Galleons and 50,000 Pounds to withdraw, figuring that he would be needing the money when he went to stay with the Grangers; he intended to buy himself clothes of his own. As soon as the tip of the quill left the paper, it glowed once and two deceptively small pouches were deposited on the table in front of him. One of them marked with a golden 'G' and the other with a green 'P'.

Harry Potter The Vampire LordHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin