CHAPTER TWO, report card

Start from the beginning

Phoebe smiles widely while everyone cheers for her. "And facing off against Phoebe is a new student," Mr. Pines continues. "Who begged me this morning in the parking lot to be the other team captain, Max Thunderman." 

Max walks into the classroom just when the teacher said his name. He smiles. "Present."

Millie glanced at him with wide eyes. She had to admit she was surprise that he even wanted to be team captain for the Math Bowl. Even though she thought he could do good in this class, she kind of assumed he would just sleep through it to get out of it. 

Phoebe looks at her brother with a glare. "Max?"

"And I brought cotton candy for everyone." Max informed the class. Millie perked up at hearing that. She loved cotton candy. A guy walked into the classroom, carrying two trays of pink cotton candy for the class. The fact that it was the pink flavored cotton candy made her even more happy. Max knew that her favorite cotton candy flavor was pink and so that's why he had decided to get that kind of cotton candy. 

Everyone (besides Phoebe) immediately gets up and went to get cotton candy. As most of the class starts to chant Max's name, Millie walks over to stand by Phoebe (who still sat at her desk) and starts to eat some of the cotton candy she had. "You okay, Pheebs?"

"Yeah, M, I'm perfectly fine." Phoebe looks at her with a fake smile. "Why?"

Millie raises her eyebrows, pointing at the now broken pencil in Phoebe's hands. "'Cause you just snapped that pencil in half."

Phoebe looks down and groans in frustration upon seeing what she did. "I'm just so upset that Max had to come in and ruin this for me." She sighed, setting the broken pencil down.

"Maybe he doesn't mean to ruin this for you." Millie suggests. She shrugs, picking off another piece of cotton candy to eat. "I mean, maybe he just wants to try to prove he can be just as smart as me and you."

Phoebe tilts her head to the side, furrowing her eyebrows as she thinks for a few seconds. She shakes her head. "Nah, that can't be it." She glances at Millie and frowns. "My brother always has to ruin things for me."

"Wait, he's your brother?" Sarah chimes in, walking over to the two girls. She smiles dreamingly at Max. "He is one prime number." Millie stayed quiet, staring at the floor. For some reason she felt this strange feeling in her stomach upon seeing Sarah act like she was in love with Max. She couldn't be jealous, could she? She and Max are just best friends. That's it.

Phoebe rolls her eyes. "Yeah. Zero."

Sarah shakes her head. "Zero's not a prime-"

"I know zero's not a prime number." Phoebe interrupted her. She got up from her desk and walked over to her brother. Millie went to go sit down at her desk, not wanting to be left with Sarah. Don't get her wrong, she loved hanging out with Sarah, but she doesn't want to be hanging out with the red-haired girl if she's going to be giving heart eyes to her best friend.

After a few moments she decided she should probably go check on the twins since she assumed Phoebe was ranting to Max at how mad she was at him. "Hey, guys." Millie greets, standing by the twins. "Everything good here?" She takes another bite of the half eaten cotton candy. She grins. "I love this cotton candy."

Max crosses his arms, looking at her with a smile. "Yeah, I know. It's your favorite." Millie glanced at him with a smile, butterflies swarming in her stomach at the fact that he remembered something like that.

Phoebe furrows her eyebrows. "It can't be that good." She angrily takes a bite out of the cotton candy she held. "Oh, that is good!" She yelled in an angry tone before she walked over to her desk while eating her cotton candy. Max and Millie laughed, watching Phoebe with amusement. 

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