"Hold on! Hermione, what are you talking about?" Dan asked. "What's this Order? Why didn't you ask us anything about this? Is the Order a form of a cult?"

"No, no, not at all. The Order is nothing like a cult, not like what you are thinking about anyway. The Order is a legitimate organization of the Ministry, though it doesn't answer to anyone. Erm, it's like the MI6 of Wizarding Britain." Hermione said, a slight hint of amusement visible on her face, despite the tense situation.

"And why are you a part of this? It's not legal for you to be employed." Dan continued.

"I made the decision to join on my own. And as for the legalities, it's been taken care of. That's all that I can say on that matter." Hermione said firmly, knowing that her parents wouldn't like it and she would be paying for it later.

Dan ground his teeth together. "And what is the purpose of the Order?"

"The Order has a singular goal, to make sure that Wizarding Britain stays safe."

"Safe? From what?" Emma asked.

"Well, a number of things. Dark Lords, dangerous Magical Creatures, sometimes even against a corrupt government." Hermione answered.

"Why did you join?" Emma asked.

"It was the best path to make a mark on the Wizarding World. I know that this is a few years early, but I am happy to be given a chance. And I get to help Harry as well." Hermione answered confidently, not voicing the last sentence out loud.

"But Hermione, you are still at school. Why would this, this Order recruit school children?" Emma asked. She had a warning hold on her husband's arm, making sure that he would not alleviate the problem.

Hermione turned her head down slightly. She didn't have an answer to that, well, she had, but that answer would involve telling her parents that she was a Vampire. That was not something that she was comfortable bringing up anytime soon.

Harry saw that Hermione didn't appear to be able to answer that question, but did it for her.

"Ma'am, Hermione is the brightest witch of her generation, Professor thought that she would be an adequate candidate." Harry answered with a smile directed n Hermione's direction.

"What about you boy? If I am not mistaken, you are an average student." Dan asked angrily.

"I was chosen due to the apparent interest that Voldemort has shown in me." Harry answered, his tone flat.

"So you decided to drag Hermione into this mess? Your family may not care about your well-being, but I refuse to allow Hermione to be harmed."

Harry flinched.

"Dan!" Emma said warningly.

"No! This had gone on long enough. Hermione, you are going to leave all this Order business, and the Wizarding World. I knew this was no good, we allowed you to go to Hogwarts, but I know now that it was a mistake. You will be joining High School at the end of summer, young lady. That's final!" Dan thundered.

Hermione turned wide, misty eyes towards her father. She took a deep breath, to calm herself down. All her fears were coming true. She turned towards Harry and saw the worried look in his eyes, his worry seemingly providing her strength. She squared her shoulders.

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