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a/n- the picture is Marcus I should also add this story will be very heavy, if you cannot handle talk of abuse, drug addiction, rape, mental health struggle, eating disorders, and other things ( i will add tws at the beginning of each chapter for anything not listed here)  PLEASE turn away now if you are struggling please don't be afraid to reach out. many of the things talked about in this book I have struggled with personally. I'm writing this as a sort of coping mechanism (putting my OC's through trauma to make my trauma easier) and I'm almost always free to talk so don't be afraid to send me a dm if you need to talk/vent/get advice <33 to remember you are loved and cherished. also, all chapters will come with a song I feel fits the chapter, most of it will be Hozier because I feel like his songs fit these characters PERFECTLY and I love his music.

I'm Marcus, I'm 17 and I have no idea what I'm doing with my life. Okay,  that's a lie, I know what I'm supposed to do. I'm supposed to study hard in school, get into an ivy league college, find a nice pretty girl, take over my dad's company, have 3 kids and a dog, and retire by 50. But I don't want to do any of that. So here I am at a huge house party, 3 drinks in and just trying to forget all responsibilities until I do it all again tomorrow. I'm sitting on a countertop laughing as my friends do lines next to me, friends is kind of a loose term for them, we do drugs together and occasionally got fucked up enough to bang. but we never talked about the banging the next day, and we knew better than to ask each other to hang out if there weren't any substances to partake in. That's actually how I ended up here, I got a text saying hey, got a baggy and a party, and then an address attached so here I am, pupils blow wide, drink in hand, laughing like I don't have school in 8 hours on a countertop.

That's when I see him walk in, all stupid perfect smiles, his stupid long hair, his stupid brown eyes, his stupid black hoodie, his stupid jeans that hit perfectly on his stupid perfect ass. Romeo fucking  Smite. I down the rest of my drink, a rum and coke, 90% rum 10% coke, and stagger my way across the room to him. 

"So what's mister perfect doing at such a lowlife party" my words slurred together, the alcohol on my breath was strong enough that I could smell it, and I had gone nose blind to the reek of alcohol long ago.

"schools ending soon, I cant let loose a little" he gives me his stupid smirk and a stupid chuckle and looks down at me, literally, he's a good 4 inches taller than me. not because I'm short or anything I'm 5'10, he's just insanely tall.

"Oh you innocent thing, do you even what kind of party you're at, there are" I lower my voice in a fake whisper "drugs here

"oh really, I had no idea," he said in mock innocence and walked off, leaving me standing there gaping at him mister perfect, goody-two-shoes himself at a drug party. I quickly got ahold of myself and stumbled to the bathroom so I could buy another baggie, me and my "friends" had already gone through almost all of the other one and I was sure by the time I got back it would be gone.

Abby Lesser sat on a countertop in the bathroom her hair covering her face as she counted some money, most likely from a previous deal that night. when she was me come in her honey eyes shot up. when I closed the door behind me they glued to that door. 

"Abby, Abby, Abby, what would a good girl like you be doing counting money on a bathroom counter" I tried breaking the tension with a joke, she laughed but it wasn't a real one, I hadn't heard her real laugh in almost a year.

"Are we going to make a deal or not" she scoffed, her eyes still glued to the door behind me, I shifted away from it onto the other side of the room so she could feel more comfortable. less trapped, her eyes finally left the door and found her shoes instead. 

"you know my usual order," I said taking a wad of cash out of my pocket. she grabbed a baggie from her hoodie packet, that beautiful white powder encased in plastic. we made the deal and I left the bathroom, giving her a small wave on my way out.

"pleasure doing business" I heard behind me

"until next time" I tossed back. 

Abby was the first friend I made when I moved to Michigan, at that time we were both 12-year-olds, full of life, and excited to explore the world. we quickly became best friends, we were inseparable for 4 whole years, if I went somewhere Abby was my shadow, if Abby went somewhere I was hers. That changed when Abby was attacked. It was a deal gone wrong, the one deal I wasn't there for, 4 middle-aged assholes thought she was overcharging them, they beat, raped, and left her for dead. Her sister found her the next day, outside, covered in bloody snow. after that she was never the same, terrified of all men, me included. I don't blame her to be honest, but it makes a friendship hard when one person can barely talk to the other. so now our conversations are short, we make a deal, I take extra care to make her feel safe, we say our goodbyes, and I leave. we were practically strangers now, but if that's what made Abby feel safe, that's how it'll be. She was still close to my little sister though, I suspect there's more to them than just being friends, but it's not my business so I'll keep my nose out of it.

a/n THATS IT chapter one, if you think this chapter gets dark, i reccomend leaving now, it will only get worse.

photo below is Romeo

photo below is Romeo

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and this one is Abby

and this one is Abby

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